Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Leiston Abbey
Sandy silt fill that was considered natural but isn't
Fill layer similar to 28008
Clayey deposit
Fill with flecks of charocal
Small shell midden deposit
Slow accumulation layer over natural showing roots
Fill of cut 28010
A pit that cuts into natural
Upper fill in northern section of feature 2801
Lower Fill of feature 2801
Mud brick surface
Top fill of feature 2801
Cut of W to E linear feature, in north end of south trench
Cut of (27006) - robber trench
fill of ditch [27034]
fill of [27032]
cut into floor (27005)
Levelling layer
occupation layer
Backfill of trench [27013]
Layer beneath (27011), occupation layer
Layer below (27008)
Fill of [27017]
Cut of (27018)
wall or pillar foundation
Cut of (27016)
Masonry foundation
Cut of foundation
Fill of linear feature [27007]
Cut of (27008)
Demolition rubble layer
Demolition layer/spread
Plow furrows
Cut of plough furrows
Truncated medieval hearth
Floor surface
Cut of post pad
Post Pad
Bank of ditch cut [26009]
linear cut running N-S
Chalk mortar levelling layer (East)
Chalk mortar levelling layer (west)
Cut of drainage ditch filled with (26008), (26003), (26004) and bank (26013)
Primary fill of Ditch cut [26009]
fill of [26012] demolition/robber backfill
Demolition layer
Floor surface or causeway/ ditch backfill of cut [26009]
Ditch fill of cut [26009]
Cut for pjt at Western edge of Trench 25
A Layer of 10cm wide well rounded pebbles placed around the edge of context 25011
Fill of firm material similar to that in context 25006
Cut of 25015
Fill of cut 25016
Post hole packing
Fill of posthole
cut of posthole
Stone layer below (25010)
Lower layer of cut [25007]
Cut of possible land drain, fill (25004)
Fill of [25007]
Cut for (25008)
Fill of wall cut [25005]
Cut of robbed out wall, fill (25006)
Fill of 25009
Minsmere - Abbey Church- Topsoil layer
Minsmere's western spoil heap
Mortar layer abutting wall
wall foundation rubble
Re-deposited material
Deposit of chalky material
Re-deposited layer
Fill of 21006
Cut of ditch
Fill of linear feature [21004]
Cut of linear feature
Dumping layer
Subsoil containing a high rate of organic waste
Leveling deposit for wall feature (2005)
Dark layer to the South of Wall LA_20005
Post hole fill
Post hole
Fill of modern hedge/fence line
Recent cut for modern fence
Yellow sandy layer, containing chalk and brick rubble.
Red brick, mortared wall
Rubble deposit above wall
brick floor or edging
Fill of pit [19013]
Construction cut of wall
Clay floor or made ground
Clay floor or levelling layer
Tile floor
Cut of pit
Stone and mortar Wall
Clay floor
Fill of Plough Furrow [19009]
Plough Furrow
Fill of Plough Furrow [19007]
Plough furrow
Fill of plough furrow [19005]
Fill of Plough Furrow [19003]
Compact leveling surface
Cobbled surface
Fill of cobbled feature
Limestone and flint foundation wall
Demolished mixed rubble
Natural Subsoil
Cut of Cobbled feature
Bank next to monastic precinct ditch
Secondary fill of ditch
Primary fill of ditch
Cut of a ditch
Chalky layer
Natural sand
Compacted layer
Fill of linear feature
Cut of ditch feature
Fill of circular feature
Cut of natural feature
Fill of a natural feature
Cut of a linear feature
Fill of a circular feature
Cut of a natural feature
Fill of a curving feature
Layer of compacted clay
Fill of Plough furrow
Cut of Plough furrow
Masonry - Foundations of refectory
Clay Consolidation layer
Floor make-up layer
Fill of [14004]
Cut Possible post hole
Sandy deposit
Topsoil Deposit
Cut of water channel
Fill of water channel [13006]
Fill of natural water channel
Fill of ditch [11010]
Chalk and clay layer
Fill of gully [11020]
Gully cut
Fill of gully [11018]
Fill of posthole [11016]
Fill of Posthole [11014]
Cut of posthole contained within pit [11003].
Fill of pit [11012]
Cut of small pit cutting (11008) and (11004) of gully [11003]
Layer of upcast material from [11010] creating bank to south of ditch
Fill of Pit [11007]
Cut of Pit
Fill of Gully [11005]
Fill of Gully [11003]
accumulated layer
Chalky layer south of ditch (unexcavated).
Drainage ditch cut
Fill of (10021) post hole
Cut of small post hole
Silty clay layer
Fill of ditch [10023] below (10004)
Fill of [10016] - post hole packing
Fill of [10016] - post hole fill
Cut for post hole
Fill of post hole [10013]
Cut of post hole
Fill of post hole [10007] - packing deposit surrounding post slot (10008)
Bank deposit
Fill of post hole [10007]
Fill of posthole [10005]
Ditch Deposit
Subsoil deposit
Cut of pit (unexcavated)
Cut of post-medieval rubbish pit
Cut of pit (not excavated)
Fill of gully [9009]
Fill of post-medieval midden pit [9007]
Cut of gully
Fill of post-medieval midden pit [9009]
Cut of post-medieval midden pit
Fill of pit [9007]. Slump of pit edge.
Backfill - Fill of post-medieval rubbish pit [9016]
Backfill - fill of post-medieval midden pit [9014]
Back fill layer, fill of [9017]
Mottled back fill llayer
Topsoil deposit
Construction cut for reconstructed drain feature (F801)
Cut for stone
Cut for possible stone relating to drain
Cut of footing
Fill of [8016]
Wall of monastery
Arch of medieval drain
Blocking masonry of door [8010]
Blocking masonry of door 8010
Post medieval door
Ministry of Works blocking feature
Stone plinths
Stone floor of drain
Side course of drain
Backfill of previous trench [8003]
Cut of previous trench
BackFill of previous trench [8003]
Top soil
Deposit - Natural subsoil
Deposit - Mortared surface
Fill of pit [7014]
Deposit - subsoil
Deposit - topsoil
Deposit - Natural suboil
Deposit - Floor surface
Cut of a Ditch
Fill of Ditch [5012]
Cut of foundation trench
Cut of yard surface
Cut of recut Ditch
Fill of recut Ditch [4018]
Fill of recut Ditch [4012]
Deposit - Same context at (4009)
Cut of Moat
Cut of Ditch
Cut of moat
Deposit - top soil mix
Deposit - natural subsoil
Fill of ditch [3002]
Topsoil layer
Cut of channel
Fill of channel [2005]
Primary deposit of ditch [1032]
Fill of a ditch
Cut of a ditch - equivalent to ditch [1008]
Fill of a posthole
Cut of a posthole
Bank material
Fill of ditch
Fill of post hole
Cut of a post hole
Burned layer
Base of shallow burned layer
Layer - fill of [1026]
Shallow cut (potentially truncated)
Deposit - earthwork / channel
Deposit - earthwork
Fill of posthole [1019]
Cut of posthole
Fill of a ditch [1006]
Fill of posthole [1016]
Deposit - natural
Fill of posthole [1011]
Fill of Ditch [1008]
Deposit earthwork
Deposit - Earthwork
Subsoil Deposit - Trench 1