Short Description:
Fill of ditch [11010]
Issued to
Rita Baker | 16/07/2014

- lower fill of ditch 11010
- James Earley
- 19-7-2014
- Fill of ditch [11010]. Filled with friable mid-brownish grey silty clay with occasional small stones.
- Kezia Evans
- 5-12-2014
- Friable
- Mid brownish grey
- Silty clay
- Occ. small stones
- 0.42m wide, 4.00+ long, 0.09m deep
- Primar deposit of Ditch 11010 1 piece of Late Medieval Transitional Ware LMTII (P402) was found in this context dating to ca. 1400- 1600
- Warm/dry Trowel, shovel, mattock
Findtype | Quantity (No. fragments) | Weight (g) | Notes |
Ceramic Building Material | 29 | 565 | 2 Bags |
Bone | 27 | 103 | |
Pot | 1 | 14 | Small Find 38 |
Ceramic Building Material | 2 | 50 |
Feature: LA_1102
- Large ditch and bank material
Record Details
- Rita Baker 16-7-2014
- 18-7-2014