Short Description:
Layer of upcast material from [11010] creating bank to south of ditch
Issued to
John Cooper | 10/07/2014

- Upcast material from ditch 11010, creating bank to the south of ditch slumped on southern edge now overlaying top fill of ditch 11010 due to ploughing
- James Earley
- 19-7-2014
- Layer of upcast material from ditch [11010] defined by firm-compact mixed mid-brownish grey to light greyish-brown silty clay. Inclusions of frequent charcoal flecks, chalk and CBM fragments dating to the medieval and post-medieval periods. Slumped on southern edge and now overlaying top fill of ditch [11010] due to ploughing.
- Kezia Evans
- 5-12-2014
- firm - compact
- mixed mid brownish grey to light greyish brown
- silty clay
- freq. charcoal flecks, CBM and chalk frags.
- 5.00+ x 4.00+ x 0.90
- Upcast material from ditch 11010, creating bank to the south of ditch slumped on southern edge now overlaying top fill of ditch 11010, potentially due to ploughing.
- Shovel mattock Warm dry
Feature: LA_1102
- Large ditch and bank material
Sample: LA_15
- Nathaniel Jackson
- 11-7-2014
Record Details
- John Cooper 10-7-2014
- 18-7-2014