Short Description:
Back fill layer, fill of [9017]
Issued to
Sian Williams | 16/07/2014

- Fill of post-medieval pit [9017]
- Matthew Juddery
- 22-7-2014
- Layer of backfill filling [9017]. Filled with soft to firm mid black-brown clayey silt with occasional sub-angular chalk clast inclusions. Fragments of floor and roof tile dating to Medieval and early post-medieval periods were recovered.
- Kezia Evans
- 5-12-2014
- Varies soft to firm
- Mid black-brown
- Clayey silt
- Occasional sub-angular chalk clasts
- 1.63+ x 0.80+ x n/a
- Partially excavated, with several finds collected from exposed deposit Pottery: 5 pieces of Late Medieval Transitional Ware LMTII (P402) - ca. 1400 - 1600, 1 piece of Langerwehe Stoneware (P404) - Late 14th - late 15th Century
- Sunny
Findtype | Quantity (No. fragments) | Weight (g) | Notes |
Ceramic Building Material | 1111 | 2 Bags | |
Metal | 5 | 30 | |
Pot | 6 | 394 | L15thC P402, P404 |
Bone | 7 | 95 | |
Shell | 6 | 19 | |
Pot | 1 | 9 | Small find 76 |
Feature: LA_902
- Post-medieval pit (unexcavated)
Site Photos
Photo: LA_7994
Plan: LA_4
- Multi-context post-ex plan of trench 9 drawn at 1:20
- Matthew Juddery
- 22-7-2014
Record Details
- Sian Williams 16-7-2014
- 16-7-2014