Short Description:
Cut of drainage ditch filled with (26008), (26003), (26004) and bank (26013)
Issued to
Raksha Dave | 23/09/2016

- Construction cut for robbed out wall - core foundation masonry is no longer visible
- Raksha Dave
- 23-9-2016
- Interpretation of this feature has changed after excavation by sondage at southern end of trench. This is a cut for a drainage ditch which is one of the latest phased events in this trench. The ditch has been filled in three stages (26008) primary fill , (26003) silting and finally (26004) for the creation of a causeway. A bank was also initially created with the creation of the ditch from the upcast (26013).
- Raksha Dave
- 26-9-2016
- Linear running SE-NW
- None
- Length - 3.20m Width-0.20m Depth- 0.52m
- Vertical
- Concave
- concave then sloping to a point (almost an ankle breaker)
- Rounded to a point and uneven in places
- N/A
- No
- Excavated by sondage
Findtype | Quantity (No. fragments) | Weight (g) | Notes |
Ceramic Building Material | 8 | 788 | Tile (discarded) |
Feature: LA_2601
- Drainage ditch and bank which was later adapted into a causeway. The ditch is one of the latest phases on site that truncates earlier deposits in trench 26 including the demolition phase of the abbey.
Record Details
- Not set
- Raksha Dave 23-9-2016
- 25-9-2016