Short Description:
Cut of yard surface
Issued to
Ben Bazeley | 09/07/2013

- Cut of linear cobbles at southern edge of trench, forms a floor surface rather than a structure - Kerrie Hoffman
- Kezia Evans
- 12-7-2013
- Irregular and shallow linear cut into which floor surface (5002) had been set. As this feature was not excavated the full depth and profile is unknown. Filled by (5002).
- Kezia Evans
- 5-12-2014
- Irregular linear
- none
- width: 3.00 length: 0.60+ depth: 0.12+
- not perceptible
- vertical
- unknown - left in situ
- unknown
- None
- Floor surface (5002) had been set into [5005]. Feature was not excavated so full depth and profile unknown.
Feature: LA_501
- Remains of post medieval agricultural building and yard
Record Details
- Ben Bazeley 9-7-2013
- 9-7-2013