Short Description:
Cut of recut Ditch
Issued to
Brendon Wilkins | 09/07/2013

- Earliest cut of small ditch. 80cm at top 30cm at base Filled with [4015] [4017] Truncated by later ditch cut [4012] which removed part of both (4015) and (4017) - Kerry Ely
- Kerry Ely
- 9-7-2013
- The first visible recut of the moat, also likely to be the result of cleaning out of ditch to create drainage similar to [4012]. Machine cut, with straight, vertical sides, characterised by a sharp break of slope, with a gradual base and concave sides. Filled by (4017) and truncated by later ditch cut [4012].
- Brendon Wilkins
- 2-9-2014
- Linear
- /
- width 0.80 length 1.90+ depth 0.20
- sharp
- E-W
- concave
- gradual
- concave
- Truncated by later ditch cut [4012]
Feature: LA_401
- Moat feature with subsequent recuts
Record Details
- Brendon Wilkins 9-7-2013
- 9-7-2013