Contexts at Leiston Abbey

Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Leiston Abbey

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  • (7005)
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Short Description:
Issued to
Ben Bazeley | 10/07/2013


    • Another dump layer below (7004) with less CBM and more chalk. Flint is also less frequent. A different episode of dumping (earlier).
      • Ben Bazeley
    • 10-7-2013
    • Mid yellow brown fine clay sand, with frequent mortar, CBM, slate, limestone fragments, modern glass, porcelain, corroded ferrous objects (nails and modern garden tools), roof tile dating between the 16th and 17th centuries, 3 clay pipe steps and general debris inclusions. Deposit exposed in section, and is thought to extend across much of the trench. 3 animal bone pieces and 1 tooth were recovered from this context.
      • Kezia Evans
    • 5-12-2014

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Stratigraphic Matrix

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  • Loose
  • Mid yellow-brown
  • Fine clay sand
  • Frequent limestone, slate and CBM (tile, brick, mortar) but less than (7004). Chalk flecks frequent and some larger pieces. Moderate flint & charcoal. Corroded ferrous objects (nails and modern garden tools) , modern glass, porcelain. 3 clay pipe stems 3 animal bone pieces 1 tooth
  • width: 0.60+ length: 4.40+ depth: 0.20+
  • Deposit exposed in section and is thought to extend across much of the trench.
  • Mostly dry, overcast with light showers.


FindtypeQuantity (No. fragments)Weight (g)Notes
Ceramic Building Material
Ferrous Object
Animal Bone


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