Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Leiston Abbey
Post excavation plan trench 25
Post excavation plan of the north area of Trench 27
Post excavation plan of the south end of Trench 27
Plan of trench 28 at end of excavation
Post ex plan of trench 26
Mid excavation plan of trench 26
Plan of pit [28010]
mid excavation plan of trench 27
Multi-context plan of Trench 26
Multi-context plan of Trench 27
Plans of Trench 21 showing linear (21004)
Post-Ex Section of Trench 23
Multi context plan of trench 16 South Section
Multi context plan of trench 16
Post ex plan trench 17
Multi-context plan of Trench 16: (16010) (16009)
Multi-context post-excavation plan of Trench 19: (19021) (19012) (19015) (19011)
Post ex plan of trench 21
Post ex plan of wall
Post ex plan of trench 20
Mid ex plan trench 17
Post excavation plan of trench 14
Multi-context plan of floor surface (14006) and masonry [14008]
Pre ex plan trench 17 drawn at 1:20
Post ex plan of trench 18 drawn at 1:20
Rubble deposit above wall
Post excavation plan of Trench 22
Pre excavation plan of (22004) and (22006) in Trench 22
Plan of (22003)
Pre ex plan trench 18 scale 1:50
Trench 16 Mid-ex
Mid-ex Trench 19
Pre-ex plan trench 20
Pre-ex plan trench 21
Pre-ex plan trench 22
Pre Ex plan of trench 3 drawn at 1:50
post ex plan of trench 13 drawn at 1:20 3 sheets in total
post ex plan of trench 1 drawn at 1:50
Post-Ex plan of trench 12 drawn at 1:20
Post-ex plan of trench 8 drawn at 1:20
Pre-ex plan of trench 8 drawn at 1:20
Multi-context post-ex plan of trench 9 drawn at 1:20
Multi-context plan of trench 10. Comprises of 3 sheets and drawn at 1:20
Overall trench plan Drawn at 1:20 Comprises of 3 sheets
Posthole with packing material