Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Leiston Abbey
Large sunken feature/pond which had been flooded before several phases of deliberate human infilling …
Wall or pillar foundation and cut
Stone foundation
Plow furrows
Construction of earliest chalk and silt floor surfaces directly constructed onto natural sand and gravels. …
Construction of brick hearth dating to Medieval period - attributed to first phase of building in Trench …
Floor surface and post pad construction of earliest phase of Abbey
The creation of the next levelling layer for the next phase of construction after the disuse of the …
Later cut intrusion and fill indicating a later phase of robbing out of the abbey complex. Full extent …
Drainage ditch and bank which was later adapted into a causeway. The ditch is one of the latest phases …
A plough furrow or modern land drain placed after the destruction of Leiston Abbey
Foundation surface or platform placed during the construction of Leiston Abbey
A pit cut within the walls of Leiston abbey
A pit or plinth possibly to act as the foundation for a feature within Leiston Abbey
An accumulation of stone possibly linked to field clearance and agricultural activity post dating the …
The location of the apsidal wall for the first Leiston Abbey
Westernmost spoil heap
Wall foundation rubble
Cut of ditch
Linear cut
Post hole
hedge line
Levelling layer
Masonry foundation wall
Plough furrows
Clay floor
Tiled and brick floor
Wall of building
Post-medieval rubbish pit
Mixed Rubble Dump
Limestone and Flint Foundation Wall
sub circular cobbled feature
Monastic Inner Precinct Ditch and Bank
Animal Burrows
Refectory structure
Post Hole
Water channel
Posthole cutting into F1104
Small pit cutting [11008] and [11004] of gully [11003]
NE-SW running Gully
Large ditch and bank material
NE - SW running gully. Terminates at SW end.
Small posthole
Drainage ditch
Gully - possibly drain associated with monastic phase
Unexcavated pit - probably post-medieval
Post-medieval pit (unexcavated)
Post-medieval midden pit
Wall of monastery
Footing (?)
Post-medieval door
Previous trench from 1980s excavation
Reconstructed drain
Animal grave feature
Ditch Feature
Remains of post medieval agricultural building and yard
Moat feature with subsequent recuts
Ditch feature
Bank feature
Posthole feature
Ditch feature running NNW-SSE