Features at Leiston Abbey

Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Leiston Abbey

Basic Information

  • Large ditch and bank material


  • Context: LA_11009
    • file_image
    • Layer of upcast material from [11010] creating bank to south of ditch
    • John Cooper
    • 10-7-2014
  • Context: LA_11010
    • file_image
    • Cut of ditch
    • John Cooper
    • 11-7-2014
  • Context: LA_11011
    • file_image
    • Fill of ditch [11010]
    • John Cooper
    • 11-7-2014
  • Context: LA_11019
    • file_image
    • Fill of gully [11018]
    • Melissa Tellier
    • 12-7-2014
  • Context: LA_11023
    • file_image
    • Fill of ditch [11010]
    • Rita Baker
    • 16-7-2014
  • Context: LA_11024
    • file_image
    • Fill of ditch [11010]
    • Rita Baker
    • 16-7-2014


    • The large ditch and bank feature (F1102) ran through trench 11 in a NW-SE orientation with a slight inclination and appeared to be a continuation of ditch feature F1005 in trench 10. The ditch feature (F1102) was filled by a series of layers, the primary fill being a mid brownish-grey silty clay with occasional small stone inclusions (11024), followed by a secondary fill of mid greyish-brown silty clay with occasional charcoal flecks, frequent medium stone inclusions (11011), and a tertiary fill of light brownish grey silty clay with chalk inclusions (11023). This bank material (11009) had slumped on its southern edge and was overlaying the top fill of the ditch (11023) due to ploughing of the land.
      • Kezia Evans
    • 26-11-2014

Dating Narrative

    • The secondary fill of the feature (11011) was dated to the 14th Century by the presence of late Headingham ware-type pottery sherds. This layer (11011) clearly shows the heaviest use of the ditch.
      • Kezia Evans
    • 7-10-2014
