Features at Leiston Abbey

Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Leiston Abbey

Basic Information

  • Later cut intrusion and fill indicating a later phase of robbing out of the abbey complex. Full extent of the cut is unknown at the western end as this stops at the limit of excavation.


  • Context: LA_26007
    • file_image
    • fill of [26012] demolition/robber backfill
    • Manda Forster
    • 20-9-2016
  • Context: LA_26012
    • file_image
    • linear cut running N-S
    • Raksha Dave
    • 23-9-2016


    • Later cut intrusion and fill indicating a later phase of robbing out of the abbey complex. Full extent of the cut is unknown at the western end as this stops at the limit of excavation. This event dates after the demolition of the early phase of the abbey and it truncates these deposits so this suggests that this phase is associated with the demolition of buildings dating to the end of the life of the abbey complex. The high density of tile and CBM within the fill also indicates a robbing out phase.
      • Raksha Dave
    • 3-10-2016

Dating Narrative

  • No Interpretations
