Basic Information
- Water channel
- The layer of topsoil (13001) was machined to a layer of natural where a water channel feature (F1301) was identified running through the centre of the trench in a NNW-SSE orientation. Due to the size of water channel feature F1301, once the edges of the trench had been straightened, a slot was cut through the feature measuring 3 x 1.60 metres, positioned along the northern edge of the trench. The primary fill of the water channel feature (13005) was a mid-blueish grey silty clay with frequent chalk and occasional flint inclusions, and the secondary fill (13004) was defined by a mid orange-brown silty clay with occasional chalk and flint inclusions. Neither the primary fill nor the secondary fill produced any artefacts. The tertiary fill of the water channel feature (13003) was defined by a mid brownish-grey sandy clay with occasional chalk and charcoal inclusions.
- Kezia Evans
- 5-12-2014
Dating Narrative
- The tertiary fill of the water channel feature (13003) produced artefacts such as a ferrous nail and piece of slag and several sherds of abraded Roman greyware pottery (SF 58, 59, 60, 61 & 62), which may be residual.
- Kezia Evans
- 7-10-2014
- [not set]
- [not set]