Short Description:
Deposit - earthwork
Issued to
Raksha Dave | 14/07/2013

- Upcast from ditch/channel. Formed into a bank on west side of channel. Lower chalky layerwithin bank formed separately from chalky deposit above. - Jemima Bell 14/07/2013
- Kezia Evans
- 14-7-2013
- Mid grey orange clay, with occasional flint and chalk fragments. Excavated in Slot 1.
- Kezia Evans
- 5-12-2014
- Firm
- Mid grey orange
- Clay
- Occasional flint and chalk fragments
- width: 2.20 length: 3.90+ depth: 0.38
- Excavated in slot 1
- Mattock, trowel, shovel, spade. Hot & Dry