Short Description:
Fill of Pit [11007]
Issued to
Chris Swindells | 10/07/2014

- Fill of pit 11007
- James Earley
- 19-7-2014
- Fill of pit [11007]. Filled with friable mid-yellowish brown-grey clayey silt with occasional to frequent charcoal and occasional flint inclusions.
- Kezia Evans
- 5-12-2014
- friable
- Mid yellowish brown / grey
- Clayey silt
- Occ. - freq. Charcoal. Occ. Flint
- 0.74 m width, 0.89 m length, 0.27 m depth as exc.
- cut by pit 11012
- Trowel, shovel warm dry
Findtype | Quantity (No. fragments) | Weight (g) | Notes |
Ceramic Building Material | 4408 | 2 Bags | |
Ferrous Object | 3 | 21 | |
Slag | 2 | 20 | Sample 14 |
Shell | 1 | 1 | Sample 14 |
Bone | 20 | 5 | Sample 14 |
Ceramic Building Material | 275 | Sample 14 | |
Ceramic Building Material | 117 | Sample 34 | |
Ferrous Object | 1 | 5 | Sample 14 |
Other (add to description) | 6 | 1 | Charcoal Sample 14 |
Bone | 19 | 13 | Sample 34 |
Feature: LA_1104
- Pit
Find: LA_157
- Bone
Record Details
- Chris Swindells 10-7-2014
- 19-7-2014