Short Description:
Fill of water channel [13006]
Issued to
George Wilkins | 18/07/2014

- Grey clay abutting but not cutting (13003) and (13004) on the west side of the water channel as it comes up
- Ben Bazeley
- 18-7-2014
- Fill of water channel [13006]. Filled with fairly compact mid-blueish grey silty clay with frequent chalk and occasional flint inclusions.
- Kezia Evans
- 5-12-2014
- Fairly compact
- Mid blueish grey
- Silty/chalky clay
- Freq chalk and rare flint
- 3.00+ x 1.60+ x 0.40m
- Recorded in section of slot - limits unknown
- Dry sunny
Feature: LA_1301
- Water channel
Record Details
- Not set
- George Wilkins 18-7-2014
- 18-7-2014
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