Short Description:
Primary fill of Ditch cut [26009]
Issued to
Raksha Dave | 22/09/2016

- Construction backfill for cut [26014] and wall [26013]
- Raksha Dave
- 23-9-2016
- Excavation of this feature in sondage has led to its re-interpretation. (26008) is the primary fill of drainage ditch cut [26009].
- Raksha Dave
- 26-9-2016
- Moderate to Loose
- Mid orange brown with flecks of white
- Silty sand with gravel
- Occasional charcoal flecks, moderate sub-angular and sub-rounded pebbles, moderate large flint cobbles and large fragments of mortar.
- Length - 3.60m Width- 2.00m Depth- 0.85m
- Excavated in sondage please see post excavation plan 41 for details.
- Trowel, bucket, mattock Dry and sunny and a wee bit windy!
Feature: LA_2601
- Drainage ditch and bank which was later adapted into a causeway. The ditch is one of the latest phases on site that truncates earlier deposits in trench 26 including the demolition phase of the abbey.
Site Photos
Plan: LA_37
- Multi-context plan of Trench 26
- Lisa Westcott Wilkins
- 16-9-2016
Sample: LA_103
- Raksha Dave
- 24-9-2016
Record Details
- Not set
- Raksha Dave 22-9-2016
- 25-9-2016