Short Description:
Fill of pit [7014]
Issued to
Ben Bazeley | 14/07/2013

- Fill of skeleton pit. Articulated dog skeleton lies in a possibly stone lined pit deliberately cut through mortar (so likely to be later than abbey structure)
- Ben Bazeley
- 14-7-2013
- Mid orange brown clayey sand, poorly sorted, containing articulated canine skeleton with grave cut edged with large cobbles. Recorded in step 3.
- Kezia Evans
- 5-12-2014
- Loosely compacted
- Mid orange brown
- Clay sand
- Frequent articulated animal bone, occasional flint and tile Containing articulated canine skeleton. Grave cut edged with large cobbles.
- width: 0.60 length: 0.87 depth: 0.26
- Dry and sunny with a chance of heatstroke