Short Description:
fill of [26012] demolition/robber backfill
Issued to
Manda Forster | 20/09/2016

- Dump of demolition material containing large amounts of fragmented CBM
- Manda Forster
- 20-9-2016
- Fill of possible later phase robber cut [26012] contains high concentration of ceramic building material.
- Raksha Dave
- 23-9-2016
- Friable and loose
- Mid-orange brown
- Silty sand
- Charcoal flecking, small sub-angular pebbles
- Length - 3.50m Width - 0.60 m Depth - Unknown not fully excavated
- Western edge of the fill is unknown due to the limit of excavation of the the trench.
- Dry, some showers
Findtype | Quantity (No. fragments) | Weight (g) | Notes |
Ceramic Building Material | 11 | 912 | Brick |
Ceramic Building Material | 1 | 28 | Burnt brick |
Ceramic Building Material | 67 | 8809 | Tile |
Ceramic Building Material | 2 | 242 | Glazed tile |
Ferrous Object | 1 | 5 | Nail |
Lead Object | 5 | 19 | lead |
Other (add to description) | 2 | 379 | Mortar |
Shell | 1 | 11 | Oyster |
Stone | 11 | 842 | Lime stone |
Ceramic Building Material | 291 | 26586 | Tile (discarded) |
Feature: LA_2602
- Later cut intrusion and fill indicating a later phase of robbing out of the abbey complex. Full extent of the cut is unknown at the western end as this stops at the limit of excavation.
Site Photos
Record Details
- Not set
- Manda Forster 20-9-2016
- 16-9-2016