Short Description:
Cut of pit
Issued to
Ben Bazeley | 15/07/2013

- Cut of skeleton pit for dog. Shallow, doesn't seem to have been filled in after dog was deposited except perhaps a few stones as they appear to line the pit
- Ben Bazeley
- 14-7-2013
- Oval shaped grave cut, with vertical sides and a sharp break of slope to the top and bottom. Feature appeared to truncate all earlier dump deposits. Filled by deposit (7013) and recorded in step 3.
- Kezia Evans
- 5-12-2014
- Oval
- Rounded - not really corners
- width: 0.60 length: 0.87 depth: 0.26
- Almost sharp
- E-W
- Vertical
- Slightly rounded, essentially sharp
- Flat
- Vertical
- none