Short Description:
Fill of [14004]
Issued to
Raksha Dave | 27/07/2015
- Fill of possible post-hole [14004]. Function is unknown as this has been truncated by recent 'wall chasing' in the 1930s, and the feature extending beyond the limit of excavation to the south and the east. Section LA_33 suggests that this context is the primary fill of this cut as the mortar and chalk lense in (14003) corresponds to the alignment of this cut. Direct relationships however to this feature have subsequently been destroyed by bioturbation.
- Raksha Dave
- 27-7-2015
- Loose
- Yellow with occasional mid grey/brown clay patches
- Sand with occasional lenses of clay
- Very occasional sub-rounded pebbles
- Length - 0.28m Width - 0.26m Depth - 0.30m
- Not fully excavated - full extent of feature is not present truncated by L.O.E to the south and east.
- Trowel sunny and dry