Short Description:
Deposit - earthwork
Issued to
Ben Bazeley | 06/07/2013

- Mid dark brown clay, with chalk flecks, CBM dated to the 18th – 19th centuries and pottery, observed in Slot 2 immediately below (1003), and approximately 0.09 thick. Deposit contained flint, chert and pottery (fitting with sherd from abutting context 1021), pan tile and daub fragments.
- Kezia Evans
- 5-12-2014
- Very loose
- Mid-dark brown
- Clay
- Frequen chalk flecks, occasional brick flecks, infrequent flint, rare snails,r are oyster shells, rare daub, rare pottery
- Width: 3.50 Length: 3.90+ Depth: 0.09
- Was discovered in a slot cut. One relatively large piece of slightly abraded Romano British Greyware was found in this context.
Findtype | Quantity (No. fragments) | Weight (g) | Notes |
Animal Bone | |||
Pot | 1 | 35 | Romano British |
Flint | 4 | 3 flakes and 1 broken bladelet, the latter is corticated and exhibits platform edge abrasion, a punctiform butt and dorsal blade scars & SS9. 1 flake |
Feature: LA_108
- Bank feature
Sample: LA_9
- Ben Bazeley
- 6-7-2013
Record Details
- Ben Bazeley 6-7-2013
- 6-7-2013