Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Lindisfarne
Excavated grave in Trench 8
Posthole in west of Tr2E
Grave containing Neonatal Skeleton SK2573
Grave containing SK2588 near SW corner of TR2W
Grave containing SK2585 near western edge of TR2W
Grave containing W-E aligned Skeleton, just north of metalworking area
Small pit filled with medium sized sub angular rubble
Grave containing neonatal skeleton cut into drain F724
Stone filled pit truncating ditch F707
Grave truncating pit F741 and ditch F707
Grave truncating metalworking pit
Grave truncating ditch F707, itself truncated by grave F733
Grave truncating wall F723 (Masonry 2530)
E-W grave truncating metalworking hearth F206 containing prone skeleton SK2525
Grave cut into ditch F707 and grave F736
Grave containing skeleton SK2515 with the skull truncated by the limekiln
Grave containing SK2489
Grave containing SK2469
Stone lined box
Grave with partial skeleton
Post hole truncated by grave F717, within intervention to SW of limekiln F217.
Approx E-W aligned possible internal partition wall of a structure in TR2W
Approx N-S aligned possible internal partition wall of a structure in TR2W
Stone lined and capped channel in TR2W
Approx NNW-SSE and ENE-WSW aligned corner of a structure in TR2W
Approx E-W aligned segment of mudstone wall in TR2W
Small sub circular pit
Probable burial - feet only exposed partially protruding from western LOE of TR2W
E-W aligned burial containing individual SK2453 visible truncating stone lined channel F724
E-W aligned burial containing individual SK2434 beneath the base of limekiln F217 - partially burnt …
ENE-WSW aligned burial containing SK2396, located to the south-west of limekiln pit F217
Burial containing SK2384, truncating through large slab near stone lined channel F724 in TR2W.
E-W aligned burial containing SK2415, truncating through wall F722
E-W aligned grave beneath base of limekiln pit F217
Shell filled linear gully in TR2 (W)
Burial cut through Chanel pit F706
Charnel pit in Tr2E. Void duplicate
E-W aligned grave in the western side of TR2(W). Unexcavated
E-W aligned probable grave in the western side of TR2(W). Unexcavated
Probable NE-SW aligned burial cutting ditch F707
NW-SE aligned linear ditch visible in the base of a slot against the eastern baulk of TR2(W)
Charnel pit in Tr2E
Large roughly hewn stone with rubble foundations
Stone lined rectangular feature, possibly a shrine burial. Not excavated, seen in plan in 2021.
E-W aligned chest burial in SW corner of trench 2(E)
Stone lined box in trench 2 east
Pit full of shell in SE corner of trench 7
E-W aligned ditch and associated fills
E-W aligned ditch and associated fill
North to south wall in Trench 4
Pit cut and associated fills
Parallel walls running on an E-W alignment
Internal floor surface
Internal floor surface/ corridor or walkway
Demolition and silting phase of trench 3
Pit and associated fill
Series of posthole cuts
E-W aligned burial in eastern slot of TR2 (W)
NE-SW aligned Burial in eastern slot of TR2 (W)
post hole with post pad. Not real feature
East West aligned burial at western end of Trench 2 West
Skull exposed during 2020 excavations
Probable flue or stokehole associated with limekiln pit F217
Feature not real. In 2020 it looked like upright stones, possibly stone lining of a grave.
Skull exposed as of 2020 excavations
Skull exposed but not excavated.
Burial with stone capping. Excavated in 2021
Partially articulated skeleton exposed during 2020 excavations. Probably not a burial but part of graveyard …
Supine burial, possibly had arthritis, rickets and enamel hypoplasia.
Skull exposed during 2020 excavations. Lifted in 2021 excavations
E-W aligned burial just S of the stone capped burial F284. Lifted in 2021 before removing the stone …
infant exposed during 2020 excavations
Skull exposed but not excavated
Disturbed Grave
Possible grave
Possible burial - top of skull SK2275 exposed.
Possible burial - top of skull exposed
Grave SK2276 - just skull exposed as of 2020
Possible Grave
Possible adult burial in trench 2
Possible burial in south west corner of trench 2
Partially exposed skeleton - south west corner of trench 2
Burial cut into F217, to the N of F248
A curvilinear stone feature internal to limekiln pit F217 - likely part of the kiln structure/furniture …
Burial in the south west corner of trench 2 - partially exposed as of 2020
Possible burial in South west corner of trench - ( lower jaw with unerupted teeth)
Exposed skull in south west corner of tr 2
Grave of partially exposed skeleton SK2184 - not lifted as of 2020
Possible grave with stone capping - not excavated as of 2020.
Post hole in an alignment of three posts in the 'metalworking' area of TR2(W)
Small shallow pit or spread of material capping post holes F240, F241 and F242
Small pit or dump/spread containing burnt wood, copper/bronze waste products in 'metalworking' area …
Adult burial in southeast part of trench with neonatal burial next to it
Grave containing two individuals - an adult and a juvenile
Spread of burnt material
Burial - Articulated human remains. At S end of trench 2 E. S of burial F228.
Skeleton - Articulated human remains, the burial cuts wall F213
Burial - Articulated human remains at NE end of trench 2 E.
Sub-circular feature
Burial - Articulated human remains S of SK2106. Body under baulk.
Burial - Articulated human remains. E of SK2107 (F228).
Burial - Articulated human remains above stone box F702.
Burial - Articulated human remains in N of slot against the baulk in trench 2 W. Lower femur down under …
Burial - Partially articulated human remains in trench 2 E.
Skeleton - Articulated juvenile human remains in slot against the baulk in trench 2 W. Lower legs and …
Grave containing an articulated human skeleton in slot against the eastern baulk of trench 2 W. Possible …
Skeleton - Articulated human remains in S of slot against the bulk in trench 2 W. Lower chest and below …
Pit in NE of W side of trench 2.
Skeleton - Articulated human remains in NW of trench 2 W. W of Skeleton F219.
Skeleton - Articulated human remains in NW of trench 2 W.
Skeleton - Articulated human remains in southwest corner of trench 2 east
Large Norman Limekiln pit in the northern area of TR2(W)
Skeleton - Articulated human remains at the North of the eastern side of the trench
Skeleton - Articulated human remains in the middle of the eastern side of the trench
Grave cutting oven in building
Stone row of potential structure running N-S
possible grave with disturbed human remains below rubble layer
Linear wall structure
Northwest to southeast aligned small ditch In northwest corner of structure
Small Circular posthole / stakehole in northwest corner of trench
Linear feature, SW corner of trench
Partial in-situ remains of a heavily truncated metalworking pit
Articulated supine burial in the east side of Trench 2
Burial in the middle of trench 2 East
Charnel Pit
Possible grave mounds or cist-lined burials
Demolition overburden and redeposited cemetery clearance material
Linear feature seen in the south west of tr1 running parallel with F111
Charnel pit in west of Tr1
Remnants of a wall in the SW corner of the trench
Pit with charcoal burial SK1066
Post hole
Burial in northern baulk of Tr1
External surfaces to the West of structure F101
Stone lined drain running E-W and internal floor makeup surface
Wall foundation consisting of roughly hewn stone running N-S and E-W