Features at Lindisfarne

Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Lindisfarne

Basic Information

  • Grave containing two individuals - an adult and a juvenile


  • Context: LDF_2186
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    • Adult burial adjacent to infant Burial in the south west corner of trench 2
    • Nick Casswell
    • 15-9-2020
  • Context: LDF_2187
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    • Infant Burial in the south west corner of trench 2
    • Nick Casswell
    • 15-9-2020
  • Context: LDF_2205
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    • Grave cut of adult burial SK2186 partially exposed and extending beyond the west baulk of trench 2 (West)
    • Nick Casswell
    • 15-9-2020
  • Context: LDF_2206
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    • Grave fill of cut 2205 and SK2186
    • Nick Casswell
    • 15-9-2020


    • An east-west aligned burial of an adult and juvenile in the South-Western corner of trench 2 (west). The upper half of the adult continued into the LOE and was not fully exposed. Both skeletons lay supine, with the hands lying together across the pelvis. The juvenile was positioned directly adjacent to the adult's left side. The feet were level with each other. Both individuals were likely buried at the same time due to their very close proximity. The juvenile skeleton was lifted, whilst the adult remained in situ. Similar to most graves in the vicinity, the feature exists within the disturbed layer 2164 (interpreted as a graveyard soil) with no distinct cut visible. It may therefore be broadly contemporary with these, but further excavation would be needed to confirm this. No direct relationships to other features were observed.
      • Ben Swain
    • 8-10-2020
    • As of the 2021 field season, the exposed elements of the adult skeleton (SK2186) were lifted. The remaining portion of the adult (from the pelvis up) remain in-situ due to the grave extending beyond the LOE
      • Ben Swain
    • 31-1-2022

Dating Narrative

  • No Interpretations
