Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Lindisfarne
Post-medieval cast shoe buckle frame
Worked antler from 2023
Possible whetstone
pottery found in fill within stone alignment in NE sondage
A/S styca
Piece of lead
polished red stone
Fe clenched bolt
Sculpted interlace stone possible high cross fragment
Fe boat bolt
Fe boat bit
Flint bladelet in Trench 9.
Namestone fragment
Boat bolt
FE boat rivet
Lead object
Copper alloy pin
Fe object
Two FE boat rivets
Worked flint
Lead roll/cone
Possible glass gaming piece fragment
Translucent blue bead
Possible Anglo Saxon coin
Cu token
Lead pin
Worked stone
Animal bone from ditch for c14
Shell from ditch for c14
Anglo Saxon coin
Carved stone
Cuthberts bead
Fe nail from grave of SK2492
Bone in basal fill of ditch F707 for C14 dating
iron nail
Cu Alloy sheet
Cu Alloy belt buckle fragment
Anglo-Saxon coin
post-medieval coin
St Cuthberts bead
Possible antler ring
Possible counter
Iron blobby thing
Half a holey stone
Cuthbert's bead from inside area of large stones in TR2E
Cu alloy slag
Cuthbert Bead
Fe obj
Fe object from burial beneath chest burial
Fe nail from burial beneath chest burial (SK2497)
Hearth lining fragments from grave fill (2526)
Copper alloy object
Fe obj from ditch in Tr2W
Nail from burial underneath chest burial in TR2E
Fe nail shaft
Fe rivet
Fe obj from burial beneath chest burial
Iron nail from context 2496
Fe object from second chest burial
Worked stone in fill 2506
Rose quartz
Fe nail
Fe rivets from Grave fill
Early medieval coin
Iron nail
Fe nail from chest burial
Fe obj from chest burial
Fe obj from chest bural
Fe obj (possible strapping) from focal burial
Fe obj (possible strappingin two pieces) from focal burial
St cuthberts bead
Spindle whorl
Fe object from focal burial
Pb obj from LDF22
Fe nail from LDF22
Fe obj from LDF22
Large Fe object from focal burial
Fe obj from 2001W, LDF22
Cu metal obj from LDF22
Fe strapping from focal burial
Fe nail from focal burial
Cu alloy "thing"
Fe nail head
Stone with recess drilled into it
Copper alloy button
Anglo Saxon Coin
Fe Nail shaft?
Incised rock
Honing Stone (found by David Lees)
St Cuthbert's bead
Metalworking slag
Fe Nail
Worked stone?
Fe nail in focal burial
Iron nail in south third of trench 2 east, next to burial
Gold thread in focal burial
Twisted Pb fragment
Cu alloy coin
Samian pottery shard
Cu Alloy pin
Pb Object
Fishbone beads identified in analysis from 2021 excavations
Potential part of game board
Piece of lead sheet
Cu Alloy Buckle
CU blob
Bone with hole drilled into / through
Fe object fused to bone from SK2412
Fe object from fill of grave for SK2412
Possible clasp from fill of grave SK2412
Coffin furniture underneath femur of SK2412
Possible Iron Age pottery
Styca (sceat) Aethelred II 844-849
Cu slag
Cu alloy object
Copper fragment
Fe object in grave of SK2412
FE object in grave SK2412
Flakes of copper alloy
Fe obj between feet of SK2412 and SK2407
Fe obj near to feet of SK2412
Nail to east of SK2412 feet
Fe obj in focal burial between SK2407 and SK2412
Mineralised wood in focal burial between SK2407 and SK2412
Fe object in focal burial between SK2407 and SK2412
Fe obj from middle of focal burial
Fe nail from middle of focal burial
Fe nail from SE corner of focal burial
Fe nail from NE corner of focal burial
Animal bone from the base of the foundation fill of wall 2345 - candidate for C14 dating
Small piece of lead in focal burial
Fe object in focal burial
Samian pottery sherd
Fe object in focal burial near top of femur
Potential silver slag found in finds tray (finds room)
Folded piece of lead from rubble outside large stones in trench 2 east
Fe coffin furniture
Tiny piece of Cu alloy
Fe coffin furniture in focal burial
Flat piece of coffin furniture in focal burial
Fe object, coffin furniture?
Possible early mediaeval copper alloy coin
Large st Cuthbert's bead
Nail from shrine burial
Possible strap from grave furniture
Possible blank namestone
FE object - possible hinge or clasp
Cu alloy object - possible gilding
Metal object
Nail in burial
Wood in iron corrosion product
Anglo saxon coin
Long iron object from chest burial
Fe object from burial
Bone comb fragment
Iron lock plate? In possible chest burial
Iron object
Iron nail from chest burial
Fe nail from burial
Tiny magnetic ball found in floatation <176>
Ion object
Nail in grave of skeleton next to stone lined burial in SW corner of trench 2 west
Stone bead
Cuthbersts bead
St cuthberts beads stuck together
Nail with lead
Fe nail with a poss rivet corroded with it
Fe nail with rivet
Possible bronze/Cu alloy strap end
Copper alloy medieval coin
Two St cuthberts beads
Copper alloy slag
Potential carved stone - a stone cross arm
Fe object - appears to be bent over
Possible Anglo Saxon Coin
Possible tingle (lead sheet with nail for holding roof tile)
Carved stone - namestone?
Small fragment of copper
Copper alloy coin
Unknown copper alloy coin
Slag with possible impression of crucible base
St Cuthbert’s bead
Poss. porphyry (sawn off on one side).
Fe object - nail?
St Cuthberts bead found by leg of SK2243
Incised stone
Cuthberts bead found next to the pelvis of SK2243
Worked stone ball
Bone - tentative identification of baby dolphin.
Quartz pebble with a possible drilled hole
St Cuthbert bead
St cuthbert bead
Cutherberts bead
Copper slag
Amber frags
Stone moulding fragment
Triangular worked stone fragment
Tiny metal cylinder
Cu alloy? Ring
FE nail
Nail from bottom of grave fill
Possible flume pipe
Likely Anglo-Saxon styca
Very degraded copper alloy coin
Coppor alloy Anglo-Saxon coin called a Northumbrian Styca dated between 837-849/50. The faces show Archbishop …
Potential square glass blue/green and white fragment
A possible copper alloy belt buckle
The upper left corner of a square namestone with some worn decoration.
Three fuel ash slag fragments in (2034)
Two fragments of industrial residue that was found moulded to a stone.
Stone with possible plaster/paint
Corroded medieval iron key
Iron working slag related to smithing
A fossil called Carboniferous crinoid known as a St Cuthbert's bead, associated with Saint Cuthbert …
Iron nail head
Late medieval early post medieval window glass
Prehistoric worked double endscraper flint
Medieval name stone with knotwork border and a celtic knot
Possible fragment of industrial residue
Anglo-Saxon copper alloy coin of King Aethelred I of Wessex (865-71)
Copper alloy object possibly a pin
Fragment of iron nail head
Lead object possilby an offcut
Two copper alloy rings closely associated to a finger bone.
Fragment of iron nail associated with functional craftsmanship
Iron nail possibly a coffin handle
Potential medieval name stone
Undatable iron nail
Piece of iron slag
Iron nail, possibly a coffin nail
Fragment of medieval namestone
Iron, possibly nail
Post medieval glass fragment
Three fragments of an iron nail
Unidentifiable lead object
Glass tafl gaming piece dating to AD700-900 found by Heather Casswell
Honing stone found in extension of west side of trench 2
Unidentifable copper alloy coin
Corroded iron nail fragment
Head of iron nail
Fragment of worked bone peg or broken fragment of shaft decorated by a group of three parallel incised …
Two fragments of medieval window lead
Small pierced periwinkle shell bead
Iron square shank nail
Four fragments of very degraded medieval metal object.
Heavily corroded iron object, possible strapping
Femur from SK2067
Anglo Sazon head stone with a celtic cross
Voided long cross cut halfpenny of Henry III dated between 1258 between 1270 AD
One fragment of medieval pottery
Fragment of Anglo Saxon sculpture
Honing stone
Stone rubber
Iron nail fragment
8th century namestone with writing
Large unidentifiable oblong piece of ferrous metal
Stone object, possilby a spindle whorl
Top of the head stone, carved in an Irish tradition
Potential medieval fragment of worked antler
Post medieval iron nail
Two fragmetns of modern iron nail
Modern iron nail head
Late medieval to early/post medieval window glass fragment
Post medieval olive green glass fragment
Leaded medieval window glass probably from the demolition of later priory
Heavily corroded iron nail
Corroded iron nail with a square shank
Illegible medieval copper coin
Late medieval instrustial produced iron nail
Corroded iron hook or latch
Two fragments of nail, possibly clench.
Small copper alloy sheet fragment
lron Nail heavily corroded
Metal shot ball
Small buckle 17th-18th century copper alloy in good condition approx 2cm
Anglo Saxon 9th century coin of the Northumbrian King Aethelred II
Two fragments of corroded iron nail
Bent iron object very rusty/corroded
Small piece of clear blue tinted medieval leaded window glass
Unidentifiable corroded iron mass
Relatively modern window glass fragment
Corroded iron nail that appears to be bent
Victorian half-penny coin dated to 1899
George V 1928 one penny coin
Corroded square iron nail
Victorian one penny coin dated to 1882
Possible knife blade ferrous object
Corroded iron nail
Two copper alloy fragments possibly a capsule/container of a post-medieval date - probably 19th century. …
Unidentifiable copper alloy
Carboniferous crinoid fossil known as St Cuthberts bead associated with the cult of Saint Cuthbert in …
Probable modern iron nail
Fragment of large lead strip
Relatively modern glass window fragment
Large iron clench bolt possibly medieval
St. Cuthbert's bead fossil
Worked flint -Mesolithic?
Hand made iron nail possibly medieval and related to the cemetery
Black unidentifiable shiny object maybe production waste
Hand made iron nail - possibly medieval and related to the cemetery
Hand made iron nail possibly related to the cemetery
Medieval green-glazed pottery
Unidentifiable ferrous object, possibly a fragmented nail related to the cemtery
Small iron object either a stud or button
Iron hook unlikely to be related to fishing
Handmade ferrous nail possibly related to the cemetery
Iron Nail possibly related to the cemetery
Handmade iron nail possibly related to the cemetery
Unidentifiable iron ferrous object, possibly medieval.
Handmade iron ferrous nail
Fragment of thin stained medieval window glass - most likely to derive from the medieval priory
Unidentifed, possibly medieval, iron ferrous object which might be a fragmented nail.
Medieval glass sherd that is stained or possibly painted -most likely to derive from the medieval priory …
Potential worked badly fragmented piece of bone with scored or incised lines.
Medieval hand made iron nail, maybe related to the cemetery
Fragmented carved stone - potentially a namestone
Undiagnostic copper alloy object
Fragment of thin stained window glass, from the sub soil, most likely deriving from the medieval priory …
Fragment of thin stained window glass most likely deriving from the medieval priory
Fragment of thin stained window glass, possibly painted, most likely deriving from the medieval priory …
Corroded ferrous object, potentially fragmented nail pieces
Small ferrous object, potentially parts of a fragmented nail(s)
Badly corroded copper coin
Two handmade iron nails found together, potentially related to coffins.
An undiagnostic copper alloy lump
Modern or Victorian St Christopher's pendant mount
Medieval stone fragment made of red sandstone
Medieval stone lamp with carbon deposits on the interior surface
Anglo Saxon inscribed name stone in two fragments that are funerary related
Assemblage of nine clench bolts, mostly with attached roves for overlapping sections of timber, and …
Small medieval coppper alloy plate or sheet Dimensions: 43mm x 24mm. Thickness 0.5mm.
Medieval iron partial fish hook with its barb not surviving, related to fishing activity on the island. Dimensions …
Medieval rectangular lead folded lead sheet Dimensions c.100mmxc.60mm. Th.2.9mm.
Sculptured Anglo-Saxon stone fragment with a cross incised carved stone design that is funerary related …
Medieval partial fish Hook related to fishing activity on Lindisfarne Dimensions of shank 3mm. Length …
Honing Stone made probably from beach (Sandstone?) cobble with heavily burnished on the one long face. …
Medieval partial fishing hook but no barb surviving dating to the mid-13th century AD or later. Dimensions …
Silver sceatta coin dated to the middle decades of the 8th Century AD depicting a four-legged beast …
Non Ferrous Slag
12th century medieval ship nail; Rove missing. Length 60.5mm. Shank width 15.5mm.
Medieval, potentially 12th century, clench bolt commonly used on clinker- built boats Length 53mm. Plank …
Early medieval fragment of iron slag weighing 12g
Early medieval thick iron nail. Length. 37mm. Width 37mm.
Fragment of iron slag weighing 5g
Worked horn plate or mount with three incised parallel lines
Fragment of sawn cetacean whale bone 100mm W. 55mm. Th.5-8mm
Fragment of a medieval ,10th -12th century AD, comb plate ring-and-dot motifs either side enclosed …
Fishing Hook: Partially damaged. Barbed point visible on X-ray. D. of shank 4.1mm; Length 24mm