Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Lindisfarne
N facing section of TR9 showing burial horizon over potential ditch.
E facing section of TR9 showing robber cut and 9018
East facing section of pits [2667], [2669], sk2665 [2664]
N facing relationship section showing 9049
N facing section of spreads and wall T2 1:10
Section through metalworking area, 1:20
South facing section of trench 11, 1:20 scale
West facing section of trench 10, 1:10 scale
West facing section of post hole 2604
East facing section through wall and limekiln
East facing section of trench 2 west. 1:10
E fac section of focal burial post ex
Drawing of north facing section of Tr1 showing charnel pit [1080] and burial [1081] SK1074. Drawing …
North facing section of SW slot in Tr 1. Sheet 3
West facing section of SW slot in Tr 1. Sheet 3
E fac section of post hole in W of TR2E
E facing section of chest and focal burials. 1:10. Sheet 2. Drawn by Andrew Ramsdale and Liam Harrison. …
Drawing of north facing section infant burial (1066) in cut [1059] in trench 1
East facing section of possible plough ridge in tr2e
South facing section of grave cut in TR1
East facing section of posthole [1050]
West facing section of TR2W, including walls 2346, 2359, grave [2413] and foundation/levelling layers. …
South facing section through lime kiln F217. 1:10 Sheet 3
North facing section of lime kiln F217 truncating wall F722, 1:10, sheet 3
East facing section of TR2E 1:20
N facing section of layers of clay and burning, SW of limekiln in TR2W. 1:10 Sheet 2
N facing section through ditch [2311] and grave [2443]. scale 1:10 sheet 3
NE corner of trench 1, facing west
NE corner of trench 1, facing south
South facing section of wall 2345. 1:10 sheet 2
N-S section, middle of trench 1
South facing section of possible wall foundation [2390], 1:10, sheet 2
North facing section of pit [2398]. 1:10 sheet 2
East facing section of grave [2397] and post hole [2404]. 1:10. Sheet 2
Section through posthole (1022), facing south
E facing section of baulk in Tr2E. 1:20. Sheet 36. Drawn by Aimee and Josh. Supervised by Indie
South facing section of F217 and F294. 1:10. Sheet 37. Drawn by Art. Supervised by Ben.
S, W, N facing sections of charnel pit [2351] 1:10. Sheet 36. Drawn by Aimee, Josh, Azra, Evie. Supervised …
East facing section of slot through Eastern side of TR2(W) showing ditch F707 and grave F298. 1:20. …
West facing section of Trench 2(W). 1:20 Sheet 35. Supervised by Ben
NW facing section of ditch 2311, 1:10. Sheet 35. Drawn by Chris Swindels. Supervised by Ben
S facing section of slot at SW corner of Tr2E. 1:10. Sheet 35.Drawn by Micheal and Aimee. Supervised …
W facing section of slot in n SW corner of Tr2E. 1:10. Sheet 33. Drawn by Aimee and Micheal. Supervised …
N facing section of slot through SW corner of trench 2 E. 1:20. Sheet 33. Supervised by Indie
Section of slot through Shelly sully drawn by Julie Schofield. 1:10. Sheet 35. Supervised by DW
We facing profile of cut of grave [2322] F284. 1:20. Sheet 33. Drawn by Freddy and Haritha. Supervised …
S facing section of Stone lined box F702 in trench 2 east. 1:10. Sheet 33. Drawn by haritha and Freddy. …
Post ex section of trench 7 - west facing. Scale 1:10. Sheet 34.Drawn by Evie Carter and Joshua Harry. …
W facing section of rectangular feature (2319). 1:10. Sheet 33. Supervised by Indie. After further excavation …
E facing section of post hole F297. 1:10. Sheet 33. Supervised by Indie. Not real feature
Section of Pit full of shell (7007) in SE corner of trench. 1:10. Sheet 33. Drawn by Isobel Gillam, …
E facing profile drawing of pit [2305]. 1:10. Sheet 33. Supervised by Indie.
SE and SW facing section of quadrant in F217, 1:10 scale
South facing section of F239 and post holes F240, 241, 242. 1:10 scale. Sheet 27. Drawn by Ed Bates. …
South facing section of small pit F238. 1:10 scale. Sheet 27. Drawn by Nat Jackson.
East facing section of Trench 2 (west). 1:10. Sheet 28-30. Sheet 28 drawn by Ben Swain and James Combe. …
West facing section of Trench 2 (West). Scale 1:10. Sheet 23-26. Drawn by Caroline Heffer and Jim Heffer. …
East facing section of trench 2 east. Post-ex 2020. 1:10. Sheet 12-14. Drawn over three sheets. S end …
Extended section across the two burnt features. 1:10. Sheet 15. Supervised by David Wallace.
Section of burnt circular feature 2150. 1:10. Sheet 15. Supervised by David Wallace.
Trench 6, Glebe Field, east-facing section of ditch [6009] following excavation of fill (6005), looking …
West facing section of [2050]. F 208. Drawn at 1:20. Sheet 5.
South facing section of Trench 4. Drawn at 1:10. Sheet 6.
Section of posthole. F 209. S facing. Drawn at 1:20. Sheet 5.
West facing section of pit [2040] and small linear feature to northwest. F 210, F 206. Drawn at 1:20. …
Profile E-W through charnel pit. F203. Sheet 4.
Profile through N-S axis of channel pit. F 203. Sheet 4.
Trench 1 interface between 1002/1004 and 1010. South facing. Drawn at 1:10.
Trench 1 interface between 1007/1008. South facing. Drawn at 1:10.
Trench 3 section. Drawn at 1:10.
South facing section of western sondage
West facing section of western sondage
East facing section of trench 2. Drawn at 1:10.
West facing section of slot trench 2. Drawn at 1:10.
West facing section of trench 2. Drawn at 1:10.
West facing section southern edge of trench 1. Drawn at 1:10.
Stone lined drain, F 102. East facing section. Drawn at 1:10.
North facing section of western sondage trench 1. Drawn at 1:20.
East facing section trench 1. Drawn 1:20.
West facing section of trench 1. Drawn at 1:10.
Section of large pit. F 307, F 302. W, N and E facing section. Drawn at 1:10.
Section of large pit. F 309 and F302. Facing SE, NW.
Section of drain. F 102. West facing section.
Section of 3012. F 301.
Section of (3016). Facing E. Drawn 1:10.
South East Section of pit 3018. Facing NE. Drawn at 1:10.
North west facing Section of pit 3018. F 307. Drawn at 1:10.
S facing section of TR3. Drawn at 1:10.
Posthole. F 301. W facing section. Draw at 1:10.
Posthole. F301. S facing section. Drawn at 1:10.
Posthole. F 301. Facing NW. Drawn 1:10.