Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Lindisfarne
Post-ex plan of TR1
Post ex plan of Tr2E. 1:50 Drawn by James Marple, Karen Moritz and Yasi Zhou. Supervised by Harriet …
Post ex plan of Tr2E. 1:50. Sheet 35. Drawn by Aimee and Izzy. Supervised by Indie.
Post ex plan of trench 2 west. 1:50. Sheet 34 and 36. Drawn by Karen, David Hazel, Chris Swindels and …
Plan of burial cuts and stone lined box cut in trench 2 east. 1:20. Sheet 32. Drawn by Freddy and Haritha. …
Post ex plan of trench 7. 1.20. Sheet 33. Drawn by Harmony and Azra. Supervised by DW
Plan of tr 2 E (SW corner), with stone lined burial. 1:20. Sheet 32. Drawn by Jasmine and Isobel, Supervised …
Void. Plan of post hole F297. 1:10. Sheet 32. Supervised by Indie. Not real feature
Plan of shallow pit filled with shell. 1:20. Sheet 32. Drawn by Isobel Gillam, supervised by David Wallace. …
2020 Post-ex plan of Trench 2 (West). Sheet 16-22, 31. 1:20. Sheet 16 drawn by Ben Swain and James Combe. …
Post-ex plan of trench 2 east 2020. 1:20. Sheet 9-11. Drawn over three sheets. N end of trench drawn …
Plan of trench 2 W at end of 2019 field season
Plan of trench 2 E at end of 2019 field season
Post ex plan of trench 4
Post ex plan of trench 4. Sheet 6.
Post ex plan of trench 2 west. Sheet 7.
Post-ex plan West Trench 2. Sheet 8.
Post-ex plan of charnel pit. Sheet 4.
Pre-ex plan of southern part of West side of Trench 2. Sheet 3.
Pre-ex plan of NE corner of Trench 2. Sheet 5.
Pre-ex plan NW corner of Trench 2. Sheet 3.
Pre-ex plan (SE) trench 2. Sheet 2.
Pre-ex plan (NE) of trench 2. Sheet 1.
Trench 1 final plan
Drain running East-west
Mid ex plan of Northern aspect of trench 2
clay layer
Plan of western pit depicting edge and secundary edge
Burnt clay layer
Plan of stones in eastern central pit in trench 3.
Pre ex plan trench 2
Sondage along north facing section of Trench 1
Pre ex plan of trench 3
Sondage East facing
Pre-excavation plan of trench 1.