Features at Lindisfarne

Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Lindisfarne

Basic Information

  • Burial containing SK2384, truncating through large slab near stone lined channel F724 in TR2W.


  • Context: LDF_2384
    • Skeleton within grave [2386], truncating large slab in northern part of TR2W
    • Libby Cowan
    • 21-9-2022
  • Context: LDF_2385
    • Fill of grave containing Skeleton SK2384 near large flag stones, northern part of TR2W
    • Libby Cowan
    • 21-9-2022
  • Context: LDF_2386
    • Cut of grave containing Skeleton SK2384 near large flag stones, northern part of TR2W
    • Libby Cowan
    • 21-9-2022


    • E-W aligned grave containing individual SK2384 in a supine extended position with the head to the west and no grave goods. This is in keeping with the Christian tradition and with the other graves in this cemetery. The grave itself has been cut through a very large sandstone slab that has been interpreted as a possible pre-existing working surface that may or may not be connected to early medieval industrial activity. It is also possible that this grave truncates part of the E-W return of a possible pre-monastic wall F723, but further investigation would need to be undertaken to prove if this is indeed the return of wall F723. If so, this skeleton could potentially provide a date before which the wall must have been constructed.
      • Ben Swain
    • 19-10-2022

Dating Narrative

  • No Interpretations
