Context | Type | Short Description | Issued to | Issued on | Options |
LA_9008 | Fill | Fill of post-medieval midden pit [9009] | Matthew Juddery | 18-7-2014 | |
LA_10019 | Fill | Fill of ditch [10023] below (10004) | Joan Sutherland | 12-7-2014 | |
LA_11011 | Fill | Fill of ditch [11010] | John Cooper | 11-7-2014 | |
LA_11013 | Fill | Fill of pit [11012] | Chris Brown | 11-7-2014 | |
LA_11017 | Fill | Fill of posthole [11016] | Matthew Tellier | 12-7-2014 | |
LA_11008 | Fill | Fill of Pit [11007] | Chris Swindells | 10-7-2014 | |
LA_11009 | Layer | Layer of upcast material from [11010] creating bank to south of ditch | John Cooper | 10-7-2014 | |
LA_11021 | Fill | Fill of gully [11020] | Rita Baker | 12-7-2014 | |
LA_8015 | Fill | Fill of [8016] | Matthew Juddery | 18-7-2014 | |
LA_10008 | Fill | Fill of post hole [10007] | Christian Day | 10-7-2014 | |
LA_10009 | Layer | Bank deposit | Anna Roik | 10-7-2014 | |
LA_10010 | Fill | Fill of post hole [10007] - packing deposit surrounding post slot (10008) | Christian Day | 11-7-2014 | |
LA_10014 | Fill | Fill of post hole [10013] | Raksha Dave | 11-7-2014 | |
LA_10015 | Fill | Fill of post hole [10013] | Raksha Dave | 11-7-2014 | |
LA_10017 | Fill | Fill of [10016] - post hole fill | Ben Bazeley | 12-7-2014 | |
LA_10021 | Cut | Cut of small post hole | Ben Bazeley | 15-7-2014 | |
LA_1009 | Fill | Fill of Ditch [1008] | Ben Bazeley | 8-7-2013 | |
LA_1033 | Fill | Fill of ditch | Mike Bamforth | 19-7-2014 | |
LA_1037 | Cut | Cut of a ditch - equivalent to ditch [1008] | Ben Swain | 19-7-2014 | |
LA_1038 | Fill | Fill of a ditch | Ben Swain | 19-7-2014 | |
LA_11004 | Fill | Fill of Gully [11003] | Chris Brown | 10-7-2014 | |
LA_11006 | Fill | Fill of Gully [11005] | Rita Baker | 10-7-2014 | |
LA_11015 | Fill | Fill of Posthole [11014] | Chris Swindells | 11-7-2014 | |
LA_11023 | Fill | Fill of ditch [11010] | Rita Baker | 16-7-2014 | |
LA_11024 | Fill | Fill of ditch [11010] | Rita Baker | 16-7-2014 |