Short Description:
Fill of ditch [11010]
Issued to
John Cooper | 11/07/2014

- Fill of ditch 11010
- James Earley
- 19-7-2014
- Fill of ditch [11010]. Filled with firm mid-greyish brown silty clay with occasional charcoal flecks, frequent medium sub-angular stone and sub-rounded stone. Very occasional chalk flecks. Ceramic tiles recovered were dated from 13th-15th Century to early post-medieval period.
- Kezia Evans
- 5-12-2014
- Firm
- Mid greyish brown
- silty clay
- Occ. charcoal fleck, frequent med. sub angular stone and sub rounded stone. V. Occ. chalk fleck
- 1.14m wide, 4.00+ m long, 0.39m deep
- Secondary deposit within ditch 11010, numerous finds recovered. 3 sherds of pot (small finds 43, 28, 90) are Late Hedingham type Ware dating to the mid 14th - 15th Century
- trowel mattock shovel Warm dry
Findtype | Quantity (No. fragments) | Weight (g) | Notes |
Bone | 36 | 791 | |
Ceramic Building Material | 15991 | 8 Bags | |
Copper Alloy Object | 2 | Small Find 14 | |
Ferrous Object | 5 | 21 | 2 Bags |
Flint | 1 | ||
Pot | 2 | 28 | |
Shell | 4 | 27 | |
Stone | 3 | 2380 | 3 Bags |
Other (add to description) | 5 | 1 | Charcoal Sample 31 |
Ceramic Building Material | 21 | 57 | Sample 21 |
Ceramic Building Material | 61 | Sample 31 | |
Ceramic Building Material | 24 | 1332 | Glazed Ceramic 5 Bags |
Ceramic Building Material | 1 | 144 | Small Find 39 |
Ceramic Building Material | 5 | 439 | White Ceramic |
Ferrous Object | 1 | 6 | Small Find 37 |
Shell | 11 | Sample 21 | |
Shell | 8 | 1 | Sample 31 |
Bone | 11 | 17 | Sample 21 |
Bone | 12 | Sample 31 | |
Pot | 1 | 5 | Small Find 34 |
Pot | 1 | 10 | Small Find 28 |
Pot | 1 | 3 | Small Find 90 |
Feature: LA_1102
- Large ditch and bank material
Record Details
- John Cooper 11-7-2014
- 19-7-2014