Short Description:
Fill of post-medieval midden pit [9009]
Issued to
Matthew Juddery | 18/07/2014

- Fill of post-medieval midden pit
- Matthew Juddery
- 22-7-2014
- Fill of post-medieval midden pit [9009]. Filled with firm dark brown-black clayey silt with occasional inclusions of charcoal flecks. (9008) is equal to (9013). A range of floor and roof tile fragments were recovered which dated to both the 13th – 15th centuries and between the late medieval and early post-medieval periods.
- Kezia Evans
- 5-12-2014
- Firm
- Dark brown black
- Clay silt
- occasional flecks of charcoal
- 0.74 x 1.06 x 0.16
- Large amounts of tile found at the bottom of the fill possibly associated with the drain [9009]. Multiple finds recovered by hand and from bulk samples. Pottery: 2 pieces of Early Medieval Sandy Ware (P300) - 12th - 14th Century, 25 pieces of Late Medieval Transitional Ware LMTI & LMTII (P401/2) - ca 1400-1600, 3 pieces of Raeren/Aachen Stoneware - LAte 15th - mid 16th Century
- Trowel, mattock, shovel, dry sieve, sunny
Findtype | Quantity (No. fragments) | Weight (g) | Notes |
Ceramic Building Material | 13977 | 4 Bags | |
Bone | 77 | 523 | |
Copper Alloy Object | 2 | 3 | Small Finds: 63 80 |
Ferrous Object | 1 | 9 | Small find 64 |
Flint | 1 | 25 | Small find 67 |
Glass | 1 | 1 | Small find 88 |
Metal | 38 | 198 | 3 Bags and Small Finds 46 and 49 |
Lead Object | 8 | 101 | Small Finds:57, 64, 71 |
Pot | 50 | 1018 | 2 Bags |
Shell | 159 | 849 | 2 Bags |
Wood | 2 | 2 | Sample 46 |
Other (add to description) | 90 | 342 | Burned Material from trowel extraction and samples Sample 46 and 49 |
Ceramic Building Material | 27 | 56 | Sample 46 |
Ceramic Building Material | 23 | 2 Bags Sample 49 | |
Bone | 5 | 7 | Associated with Small find 87 |
Bone | 6 | Sample 46 | |
Flint | 1 | 7 | Small find 49 |
Other (add to description) | 4 | 214 | Limestone |
Pot | 1 | 35 | Glazed Ceramic |
Pot | 1 | 476 | Glazed Ceramic Small find 82 |
Pot | 2 | 365 | White Ceramic |
Bone | 21 | 2 | Sample 49 |
Other (add to description) | 1 | Bone Comb. Small Find 77 | |
Pot | 1 | 3 | Sample 46 |
Pot | 31 | 27 | Sample 49 |
Shell | 8 | 7 | Sample 46 |
Shell | 1 | 1 | Sample 49 |
Feature: LA_905
- Gully - possibly drain associated with monastic phase
Find: LA_57
- Pb obj
- Lead
Find: LA_63
- Lead fragment
- Copper
Find: LA_64
- Iron object
- Iron
Find: LA_65
- Metal obj
- Iron
Find: LA_66
Find: LA_67
- Metal obj
- Flint
Find: LA_71
- Iron obj
- Iron
Find: LA_77
- Comb
- Bone
Find: LA_79
Find: LA_80
- Copper alloy object
- Copper
Find: LA_81
- Glazed floor tile
- Ceramic
Find: LA_82
- Worked tile
- Ceramic
Find: LA_87
- Mainly whole pot
- Ceramic
Find: LA_88
- Stone Bead
- Stone
Find: LA_159
- Vessel Ceramic
Record Details
- Matthew Juddery 18-7-2014
- 18-7-2014