Short Description:
Fill of gully [11020]
Issued to
Rita Baker | 12/07/2014

- fill of gully 11020
- James Earley
- 19-7-2014
- Fill of gully [11020]. Filled with friable, dark brownish grey sandy silt with moderate flecks of small chalk, occasional flecks of charcoal and pieces of small-medium flint, moderate amounts of variously sized tile& brick fragments.
- Kezia Evans
- 5-12-2014
- friable
- Dark brownish grey
- Sandy silt
- Moderate flecks to small chalk, occasional flecks of charcoal, occasional small to medium pieces of Flint & moderate amounts of various sized tile & brick fragments & occasional small to medium bone
- single fill
- Numerous finds, including one large piece of Flint with mortar on it.
- Troweled first in very wet conditions but due to the increased sun in the afternoon it quickly changed to very dry which we had to spray with water to finish off
Feature: LA_1101
- NE - SW running gully. Terminates at SW end.
Sample: LA_29
- Rita Baker
- 12-7-2014
Record Details
- Rita Baker 12-7-2014
- 19-7-2014