Short Description:
Fill of ditch [10023] below (10004)
Issued to
Joan Sutherland | 12/07/2014

- Fill included masonry blocks, perhaps dumped in because they were unusable. Bones likely from animals dying on the bank or being deposited by predators or humans (butchering). Other objects may have been washed in by rain or inundation.
- Anna Roik
- 17-7-2014
- Fill of ditch [10023] below (10004). Filled with loose, soft mid-yellow greyish brown clayey sand with chalk, flint nodules, pebbles, shell, bone and charcoal inclusions of 15% ranging from angular to well-rounded.
- Kezia Evans
- 5-12-2014
- Loose, soft
- Mid-yellow greyish brown
- Clayey sand
- Chalk, flint nodules, pebbles, shells, bone, charcoal. 15%, all from angular to well-rounded.
- 1.00m width x 2.25m length x 0.55m depth
- Fill of [10023] - multiple finds Pottery: 1 piece of Late Hedingham type Ware (P327) - mid 14th-15th Century, 7 pieces of Late Medieval Transitional Ware LMTII (P402) - ca 1400 - 1600, 2 pieces of Raeren/Aachen Stoneware (P405) - Late 15th - mid 16th Century, 1 piece of Cologne/Westerwald Stoneware (P413) - 17th Century+, 3 pieces of Glazed Red Earthenware (P425) - 16th - 10th Century, 1 piece of Staffordshire White Salt Glazed Stoneware (P433) - 1720-1780
- Hand excavated (mattock and trowel) over several days under cloudy, partly cloudy and full sun.
Findtype | Quantity (No. fragments) | Weight (g) | Notes |
Bone | 184 | 1873 | |
Ceramic Building Material | 5700 | 2 Bags | |
Clay Tobacco Pipe | 6 | 11 | |
Flint | 4 | 15 | 3 flint flakes with heavy edge damage |
Flint | 2 | 5 | <a href="leiston-abbey/ddt/rgf/LA_18">Small Find 18</a> |
Metal | |||
Pot | 11 | 68 | 2 Bags |
Shell | 24 | 131 | 2 Bags |
Worked bone | 1 | Small Find 36 | |
Ceramic Building Material | 64 | Sample 28 | |
Ceramic Building Material | 228 | Sample 36 | |
Ceramic Building Material | 1 | 10 | Glazed Ceramic |
Ceramic Building Material | 1 | 10 | Glazed Ceramic Small Finds 16 |
Ceramic Building Material | 1 | 3 | Sample 28 / Small Find 25 |
Ferrous Object | 25 | 336 | 2 Bags |
Ferrous Object | 1 | 24 | Small Find 54 |
Ferrous Object | 1 | 2 | Sample 28 / Small Find 26 |
Stone | 2 | 25000 | Limestone |
Pot | 1 | 38 | Small Find 27 |
Pot | 1 | 5 | Small Find 52 |
Pot | 1 | 10 | Sample 36 / Small Find 33 |
Pot | 1 | 5 | Sample 28 / Small Find 24 |
Bone | 20 | 10 | Sample 28 |
Bone | 27 | Sample 36 | |
Other (add to description) | 3 | Burned material | |
Other (add to description) | 9 | 3 | Sample 36 |
Shell | 20 | 3 | Sample 28 |
Shell | 4 | Sample 36 | |
Glass | 1 | Sample 36 | |
Daub |
Feature: LA_1005
- Drainage ditch
Site Photos
Find: LA_18
- Two pieces worked flint.
- Flint
Find: LA_21
- Pot poss med
- Ceramic
Find: LA_22
- Glazed pot -med?
- Ceramic
Find: LA_24
- Pottery
- Ceramic
Find: LA_25
- Poss glazed tile
- Ceramic
Find: LA_26
- Corroded iron nail
- Iron
Find: LA_27
- Medieval pottery fragment
- Ceramic
Find: LA_31
- Worked masonry large block
- Stone
Find: LA_32
- Worked masonry block.
- Stone
Find: LA_33
- Medieval Pottery
- Ceramic
Find: LA_36
- Bone knife handle
- Bone
Find: LA_52
- Blue glaze pot sherd
- Ceramic
Find: LA_53
- Horseshoe
- Iron
Find: LA_54
- Metal
- Iron
Find: LA_55
- Metal
- Iron
Find: LA_92
- Glass
- Glass
Record Details
- Joan Sutherland 12-7-2014
- 17-7-2014