Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Pontefract Castle
Rubbly layer below 1076 and above 1099
Rubble layer under 1097
Grey sandy clay below 1095
Greenish grey clayey sand below 1097
Pinkish grey sand below 1096
Compact sandstone rubble layer heavily mineralised below 1080
Grey clay below 1094 and above 1079
Thin layer of light yellow sand between (1076) and (1079)
Large stone on top of 1075
Light brown sand against south wall of drawbridge pit below 1086
Clayey layer
large rectangular worked stone, next to 1088. Not keyed into the drawbridge pit walls.
Large rectangular worker stone, next to 1089. Not keyed into the drawbridge pit walls.
Next to 1072. Both have flat tops and rounded bases. Keyed into the wall.
Clay layer
Organic layer
Yellow sand at S end of drawbridge pit below (1075) and above (1076)
Northern drum tower of gatehouse
Burnt sandstone in drawbridge pit
Yellowish brown silting in drawbridge pit
Greyish brown silting in drawbridge pit
Modern levelling at S end of trench
Pale yellow sandy silty with frequent sand stone inclusions under (1065)
Orange brown sand bellow (1075) in drawbridge pit
Light brown clayey sand below (1074) in drawbridge pit
Bluish grey sandy clay layer under (1073)
Light brown/ yellowish brown sandy layer under 1070
Single stone keyed into wall 1060, roughly worked with some degradation, no masons marks
Masonry facing bedrock at north end of drawbridge pit
Grey blue clay below (1063) in the southern end of the drawbridge pit
Grey clay below (1068) and above (1063)
Silty sandy lens layer under (1064) and (1066)
Dark blue grey compact friable silty clay in southern part of drawbridge pit
Cut of possible post hole/void
Dark layer above masonry wall
Silty clay on top of (1063)
Light fluffy silty sand under (1059)
Dark layer near masonry 1020
Fine Masonry wall
Brown silty fill below 1059
Dark brown clay in drawbridge pit
VOID. Yellowy brown clayey sand layer within drawbridge pit.
Layer of coal
Brown sandy silt above coal
Cut of robber trench
Pale yellow sandstone fill at NE of drawbridge pit under 1047
Light sandy layer in drawbridge pit above 1050
Light sandy layer in drawbridge pit
Dark layer in drawbridge pit
Cut of feature in drawbridge pit
Mixed clayey sand layer, possibly the same as layer (1040) under (1009)
Stoney layer at NE end of drawbridge pit above 1047
Yellow sand layer above 1045
Pinkish brown layer ontop of 1044
Yellow sand layer ontop of (1043)
Dark brown layer
Fill of modern pit [1037]
Light sandy rubble layer below 1038 and above 1040
Mixed clayey sand layer below 1038
Fill of modern pit [1035]
19th century landscaping layer below 1009
modern pit with brick
Mixed dark Layer
Modern sub-circular pit
Levelling deposit under Victorian steps
Cut of beam slot
Fill of beam slot
Fill of tower chamber
Natural bedrock
Destruction layer next to round tower
Former ground level ?
Fill of small sub-oval post hole
Cut for small sub-oval post hole
Fill of small slot/drain
Cut of small slot/drain
Fill of post hole
Sub-circular post hole
Fill to the side of wall 1020
Masonry wall
Silty deposit similar to (1002) but slightly darker
Fill of late (post 1650's) post hole
Shallow pit
Post hole
Defensive wall
Destruction rubble
Post demolition silty layer
Defensive masonry wall
Masonry block
Structural wall
Silting layer