Short Description:
Masonry wall
Issued to
Indie Jago | 11/10/2019
- Forms 90 degree angle with 4907. Also forms similar angle with 1003 which is a slightly different wall
- Indie Jago
- 11-10-2019
- North wall of drawbridge pit
- Indie Jago
- 11-11-2021
- Very fine sandstone ashlar
- Ashlar
- Facing well coursed with large blocks and rubble core.
- close jointed - 2-3mm
- dirty pale pink lime mortar
- Length - 3.60m + Width - 1.50m Height - 0.40 - 0.75m
- Linear oriented WSW- ENE. Very solid wall - different in contraction to 1003 but same structure. illustration drawn as part of artist workshop on Sunday 3rd November 2019.
Feature: PON_101
- Drawbridge pit
Site Photos
Photo: PON_191610
Photo: PON_193808
Photo: PON_193932
Photo: PON_193934
Photo: PON_193944
Record Details
- Not set
- Indie Jago 11-10-2019
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