Context | Type | Short Description | Issued to | Issued on | Options |
ELM_7001 | Layer | Topsoil | Jason Mulroy | 20-8-2019 | |
ELM_2008 | Fill | Fill of ditch at south end of trench 2 | Chris Casswell | 18-8-2017 | |
ELM_7003 | Layer | Chalky rubble spread | Richard Barnsley | 20-8-2019 | |
ELM_9001 | Layer | Topsoil | Caroline McNiven | 21-8-2019 | |
ELM_9002 | Fill | Fill of ditch [9003] | Rosalind Cheetham | 21-8-2019 | |
ELM_10001 | Layer | Topsoil - trench 10 | Bill Balding | 22-8-2019 | |
ELM_10002 | Fill | Possible ditch running E-W in North end of Trench 10 | Patrick Poor | 20-8-2019 | |
ELM_10008 | Fill | Cleaning layer in south end of trench 10 | Roger Thomas | 22-8-2019 | |
ELM_10010 | Fill | Mottled silty clay fill of ditch in North of trench 10 excavated by Bill and Leah | Bill Balding | 22-8-2019 | |
ELM_2006 | Fill | Fill of ditch aligned northeast to southwest | Chris Casswell | 16-8-2017 | |
ELM_2009 | Layer | Mixed layer formed withing depression between [2005] and [2007] | Chris Casswell | 18-8-2017 | |
ELM_3001 | Layer | Topsoil | Chris Brown | 16-8-2017 | |
ELM_3002 | Layer | Chalk stones at north end of trench | Chris Brown | 16-8-2017 | |
ELM_3005 | Fill | Mid brown fill of ditch below (3004) | Rick Barnett | 16-8-2017 | |
ELM_4017 | Fill | Fill of grave [4016] | Chris Humphreys | 16-8-2018 | |
ELM_4038 | Fill | Section of brown fill ditch running ns in e of trench 4 | Truda Spruyt | 19-8-2018 | |
ELM_4045 | Layer | Raised layer below topsoil, on the NW end of trench 4 | Monty Blagg | 19-8-2018 | |
ELM_4070 | Fill | Fill of beam slot running N-S against W edge of trench | Andrew Tatton | 25-8-2018 | |
ELM_4078 | Fill | Possible wall (probably robbed out) on North edge of trench | David Wallace | 26-8-2020 | |
ELM_4088 | Layer | Orangey brown subsoily mixed layer with flints in | Nat Jackson | 27-8-2020 | |
ELM_4158 | Fill | Upper stoney fill of ditch in north of trench | Nat Jackson | 14-8-2021 | |
ELM_4182 | Fill | Upper silting fill of pit [4180] | Nat Jackson | 15-8-2021 | |
ELM_5002 | Fill | Fill from circular feature at north of trench 5 | Vilma Pontinen | 18-8-2018 | |
ELM_7004 | Layer | Chalky rubble | Philippa Wray | 21-8-2019 | |
ELM_7008 | Fill | Lower fill of pit [7005] | Rosie O'Toole | 23-8-2019 |