Short Description:
Raised layer below topsoil, on the NW end of trench 4
Issued to
Monty Blagg | 19/08/2018

- No Interpretations
Stratigraphic Matrix
Equal To
- Firm
- Mid-reddish-brown
- Silty clay
- 5% sub angular stones poorly sorted
- Length: 8.80 Width: 4.31 Depth: 0.09
- Mattocks/sunny
Findtype | Quantity (No. fragments) | Weight (g) | Notes |
Pot | 61 | 293 | Roman. A medium sized group including a ring-necked flagon in an oxidised fabric, sherds with 'nodular' or 'star' rustication, a sherd from a grey ware necked jar and handmade rock-gritted sherds. Late 1st to early 2nd century AD. (IM Rowlandson and HG Fiske, January 2019) |
Pot | 21 | 22 | Prehistoric |
Animal Bone | 5 | 15 | Right metacarpal form sheep/goat. Unidentified genus of bird; medium-sized but smaller than a domestic fowl. (Dr Hannah Russ, January 2019) |
Other (add to description) | 2 | 6 | Charcoal |
Flint | 7 | 11 | 6 flakes (15.1g; 3 complete, 1 edge damage, 1 patinated). 1 retouched fragment (3g); A partial fragment retaining a section of abrupt retouch forming a convex delineation at the left margin. It may have been part of a scraper. Made on grey flint with speckled inclusions (>25.0 x > 24.0 x >3.8mm) (Dr JT Hogue December 2018) |