Short Description:
Orangey brown subsoily mixed layer with flints in
Issued to
Nat Jackson | 27/08/2020
- Probably an alluvial deposit, contained material from the mesolithic through to Roman.
- Nat Jackson
- 8-9-2020
- 4 test pits were excavated into this material after an initial trowel back of the area. Three of the four test pits were located along the southern baulk of the trench with the fourth located towards the middle of the eastern area of the trench. Test pit 3 contained the most material, from mesolithic flakes to bronze age pottery to a roman nail. The later material (Roman) was higher up than the earlier material and then the final 20/30cm were pretty much sterile. Test pits 1, 2 and 3 were excavated to the natural. Test pit 4 was not excavated to the natural, a second layer was observed, (4122). Micromorphology samples were taken from this layer to confirm or deny whether this was indeed an alluvial deposit.
- Nat Jackson
- 29-9-2020
- Moderately compact friable
- Orange brown
- Silty Clay
- Occasional small stones, occasion charcoal flecks, occasional flints
- Length - 7.50m Width - 5.00m All test pits were 1x1m Max depths in test pits = Test pit 1 - 0.33m Test pit 3 - 0.50m Test pit 4 - 0.15m
- 4 test pits excavated into this material Test pit 2 not recorded as ran out of time due to inclement weather
- Hand ex / wet
Findtype | Quantity (No. fragments) | Weight (g) | Notes |
Flint | 1 | 42 | Possible worked core (Year 2020) |
Flint | 33 | 78 | (Year 2020) |
Slag | 1 | 15 | (Year 2020) |
Ceramic Building Material | 7 | 106 | (Year 2020) |
Stone | 1 | 101 | Possibly worked (Year 2020) |
Other (add to description) | 8 | 15 | Indistinct material types (Year 2020) |
Flint | 42 | 150 | (Year 2020) |
Ferrous Object | 2 | 10 | Possible nail fragments (Year 2020) |
Pot | 6 | 24 | (Year 2020) |
Ceramic Building Material | 7 | 100 | (Year 2020) |
Stone | 8 | 450 | 7 small pieces (90g), 1 large piece (360g). (Year 2020) |
Animal Bone | 3 | 13 | Spit 1. (Year 2021) |
Pot | 1 | 10 | Spit 1. (Year 2021) |
Slag | 1 | 12 | Spit 1. (Year 2021) |
- No records attached.
Site Photos
Photo: ELM_200502
Photo: ELM_200505
Photo: ELM_200517
Photo: ELM_200518
Photo: ELM_200520
Photo: ELM_200522
Photo: ELM_200524
Photo: ELM_200906
Photo: ELM_200952
Plan: ELM_10
- Post ex plan of south-eastern corner of trench 4 east. 1:20. Drawn on ELM21 Section Sheet no. 3
- Raphael Kahlenberg
- 22-8-2021
Find: ELM_101
- Flint tool
- Flint
Find: ELM_107
- A handmade everted prehistoric rim sherd with a, date range of 3500– 2900 BC decorated with impressed cord maggots arranged in a herringbone pattern, a motif repeated on the surviving neck.
- Ceramic
Find: ELM_135
- Flint from trench 4 test pit 2 spit b
- Flint
Record Details
- Nat Jackson 27-8-2020
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