Contexts at Elmswell Farm

Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Elmswell Farm

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Short Description:
Possible ditch running E-W in North end of Trench 10
Issued to
Patrick Poor | 20/08/2019


  • No Interpretations

Sketch Photo

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Stratigraphic Matrix

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  • Fairly compacted, with some patches of softer material
  • Mid-yellowish grey/brown
  • Silty clay
  • 10-25% angular and sub angular small stones well sorted
  • Very dense with pottery, some pieces of bone and tooth
  • Trowel and mattock very sunny and dry conditions


FindtypeQuantity (No. fragments)Weight (g)Notes
Animal Bone 8 20 4 Teeth. Equus (1), Sheep or goat (3). Unidentified mammals (large = 1, medium =3). (Dr Hannah Russ, November 2019). (Year 2019)
Ceramic Building Material 10 327 Mixed assemblage. Brick/tile (7pcs=18g), Imbrex (2pcs=227g), Tegula (1pc=92g) - style dated to 100-180AD. (P Mills, February 2020).(Year 2019)
Ferrous Object 1 2 (Year 2019)
Other (add to description) 5 7 Charcoal (Year 2019)
Pot 41 494 Roman. A small fresh group including sherds from handmade calcite-gritted jars and grey ware including a carinated jar or bowl, a large necked jar and a wide mouthed bowl. Late second century AD+.(IM Rowlandson, February 2020). (Year 2019)
Shell 12 47 Edible Oyster (7), Mussel (5). (Dr Hannah Russ, November 2019).(Year 2019)


  • Feature: ELM_1006
    • Ditch in North of trench 10, excavated by Bill, Doug, Patrick, Lee, Steven and Chithra

Record Details

  • Not set