Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Sudeley Castle
NE facing section of water channel/ditch [13005] and pipe trench [13011]. 1:20 sheet 2
N facing section of mound in TR12 1:20 sheet 2
W facing section of mound and post hole [12014] 1:20 sheet 2
E Facing section of TR12 showing plant bed [12012]. 1:10 Sheet 1
S facing section of TR13 and wall 13003. 1:10 sheet 1
South facing section of trench 14
E facing section of tree bowl [12006], 1:10 Sheet 1
East facing section of tree bowl [12005] 1:10 sheet #1
West facing section of Trench 8 Northern extension. 1:10 Sheet #3
South facing section of wall 8005 and built up bank and rubble deposits to either side. 1:20. Sheet …
Section of east facing section of trench 10 through Victorian pathway and iron pipe truncation. Sheet …
NW facing section of trench 9. 1:50. Sheet#2
E facing section of tree bowl [8008]. 1:10. Sheet 1. Supervised by Steph
Section drawing 11. TR7. South facing section.
Section drawing 10. Drawn at 1:20.
Section drawing 9. TR6.
Section drawing 8. TR7.
Drawing of east facing section of drain in TR7. Drawn at 1:20.
Drawing of North facing section to include wall in trench 7
Section of Test Pit 5.
Section of Test Pit 4.
Section of Test Pit 3.
Section of Test Pit 2.
Section of Test Pit 1.