- Fragment of worked bone peg or broken fragment of shaft decorated by a group of three parallel incised lines.
- Worhed bone
- David Hazel
- 20-9-2018
- Fragment of worked bone: peg or broken fragment of shaft decorated by a group of three parallel incised lines. Given the fragmentary nature and simple decoration on this object it is impossible to identify its function with certainty, although it does have some parallels with the bone styli recovered from medieval contexts at Monkwearmouth and Jarrow (cf. Cramp 2006, WB36-38, p.278 Fig. 31.5.4) and styli/parchment prickers from medieval York (MacGregor, Mainman and Rogers 1999, 1974-5, Fig.930) L.22m Dia. 10mm
- David Petts
- 12-8-2019
3-D Models
- No models found for this item
- 1 fragment, 3g. Length - Diameter -
From Context
Context: LDF_4002
- Sally Dye 20-9-2018