Short Description:
Fill of posthole of [2037] along the western edge of trench 2
Issued to
Christina Smith | 21/07/2017
- Single Fill of small porthole/ stakrhole; grey silty clay c.1m diameter 0.05m deep
- David Petts
- 27-7-2017
- Single Fill of small porthole/ stakrhole; grey silty clay c.1m diameter 0.05m deep
- 27-7-2017
- Soft
- Grey
- Silty clay
- 10% small sub-angular stones
- Length - 0.10 m Width - 0.10 m Depth - 0.05m
- Trowelling overcast condition
Feature: LDF_209
- Small Circular posthole / stakehole in northwest corner of trench
Plan: LDF_19
- Post-ex plan West Trench 2. Sheet 8.
- Megan Lillington
- 25-7-2017
Record Details
- Not set
- Christina Smith 21-7-2017
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