Context | Type | Short Description | Issued to | Issued on | Options |
ELM_4001 | Layer | Topsoil | Robert Hamer | 14-8-2018 | |
ELM_4088 | Layer | Orangey brown subsoily mixed layer with flints in | Nat Jackson | 27-8-2020 | |
ELM_4089 | Layer | Orangey brown alluvial deposit likely the same as (4088) | Nat Jackson | 27-8-2020 | |
ELM_10001 | Layer | Topsoil - trench 10 | Bill Balding | 22-8-2019 | |
ELM_10008 | Fill | Cleaning layer in south end of trench 10 | Roger Thomas | 22-8-2019 | |
ELM_1001 | Layer | Topsoil | Gill Haynes | 15-8-2017 | |
ELM_1004 | Fill | Fill of ditch aligned east to west in east end of trench | Gill Haynes | 16-8-2017 | |
ELM_2006 | Fill | Fill of ditch aligned northeast to southwest | Chris Casswell | 16-8-2017 | |
ELM_2010 | Fill | Dark 'peaty' fill | Chris Casswell | 19-8-2017 | |
ELM_3014 | Fill | Fill of possible pit against eastern trench edge | Jacqui Shaw | 19-8-2017 | |
ELM_4007 | Fill | Upper fill of ditch [4005] | Nick Borman | 16-8-2018 | |
ELM_4009 | Fill | Fill of posthole [4008] | Caroline McNiven | 17-8-2018 | |
ELM_4015 | Fill | Fill of pit [4014] | Will Syson | 16-8-2018 | |
ELM_4045 | Layer | Raised layer below topsoil, on the NW end of trench 4 | Monty Blagg | 19-8-2018 | |
ELM_4046 | Layer | Raised Layer below topsoil on North-East end of trench 4 | Matthew Rowley | 19-8-2018 | |
ELM_4050 | Fill | Fill of rectangular pit orientated East-West in the Southeast of trench 4 | Louise Williamson | 19-8-2018 | |
ELM_4064 | Layer | Dark brown layer at ne of trench 4 | Vilma Pontinen | 25-8-2018 | |
ELM_4078 | Fill | Possible wall (probably robbed out) on North edge of trench | David Wallace | 26-8-2020 | |
ELM_4096 | Layer | Rubble spread next to robber fill (4076) | Peter Woodmansey | 29-8-2020 | |
ELM_4098 | Layer | Dark layer E of 4076 | Bill Balding | 29-8-2020 | |
ELM_4113 | Layer | Cleaning layer above 4103 to East of 4084 | Hannah O'Toole | 29-8-2020 | |
ELM_4153 | Layer | Layer truncated by ridge and furrow in south east corner of courtyard area | Malcolm Thomas | 13-8-2021 | |
ELM_4156 | Fill | Upper fill of large pit [4155] in the south west corner of the trench | Jacob Grout | 13-8-2021 | |
ELM_4157 | Fill | Upper ditch fill to east of wall 4163 | Malcolm Thomas | 14-8-2021 | |
ELM_4158 | Fill | Upper stoney fill of ditch in north of trench | Nat Jackson | 14-8-2021 |