Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Elmswell Farm
SW facing section of ditch [4256]. 1:10 Sheet #7
NW facing section of well [4268], 1:10 Sheet #8
Sections of gully [4265] and ditch [4266]. 1:20 Sheet #6
SW facing section of ditch [4264], 1:10 Sheet #7
NE facing section of pit [4258] and W facing section of plough scar (4272). 1:10 Sheet #4
S facing section showing ditch [4271]. 1:10 Sheet #5
SE and SW facing sections showing ditch [4276]. 1:10 Sheet #4
S facing section of ditch [4270], 1:10 sheet #5
West facing section of pit [4267]. 1:10 sheet #5
South and West facing sections of layer (4248). 1:10 sheet #5
Sections of ditches [4259] and [4260]. 1:20 sheet #4
SE Facing section of gully [4253] in south west of tr4, 1:10 Sheet #5
SW and NW facing sections of pits [11033] and [11035]. 1:10, Sheet #5
W facing representative section of trench 11 including pit [11019]. Scale 1:10, Sheet #4
NW, NE, SE facing sections of pit cluster in NW corner of TR11 including pits [11037] [11049] [11051]. …
North facing section of ditch [11008] and pit [11016]. 1:10 sheet #3
South facing section of ditch [11008] and pit [11017]. 1:10, Sheet #3
South facing representative section of Northern LOE of Trench 11 including ditch [11039] and post holes …
West and North facing sections of slot through ditch [11039], pit [11015] and post hole [11043]. 1:10 …
W facing section of post hole [11043]. 1:10. Sheet 1. (Training section, superseded by Section no. 89). …
SSW facing section of pit 11019. 1:10 sheet 1
SE and SW facing sections of pits [11024] and [11026] and post holes [11028] and [11030]. Scale 1:10. …
SSW facing section of ditch [11013]. Scale 1:10 sheet #1
South facing section of pit [11004]. 1:10, Sheet #1
South facing section of pit [11002]. 1:10, Sheet #1
South facing section of pit [11006] scale 1:10, Sheet #1
West and north facing section of pits [4180], [4206], [4181], [4203]. 1:10. ELM21 section sheet no. …
West facing section of wall [4214]. 1:10. ELM21 section sheet no. 4
East facing section of ditch [4212] and wall [4214]. 1:20. ELM21 section sheet no. 4
North facing representative section of trench 4 (East, Geoarchaeology trench) including pit [4189]. …
North facing section of ditch [4216] and wall [4162]. 1:10. ELM21 section sheet no. 5
West facing section of slot through cobbles (4172), wall [4219] and alluvial levelling layers. 1:10. …
North and East facing section of plough furrows (4165) and (4167). 1:10. ELM21 section sheet no. 4
North facing section of post hole [4198]. 1:10. ELM21 section sheet no. 4
North facing section of robbed out wall [4200]. 1:10. ELM21 section sheet no. 4
NW facing section of pit [4176], 1:10. ELM21 section sheet no. 4
North facing section of wall [4163], ditch [4160] and pit [4209] in eastern half of trench. Scale 1:10. …
North facing section of linear ditch [4148] in eastern side of trench. Scale 1:10. ELM21 section sheet …
North facing section of pit [4155] and [4203]. 1:10. ELM21 section sheet no. 1
NNE facing section of ditch [4166]. 1:10. Section sheet no. 1
North and East facing section of beam slot [4150]. 1:10. ELM21 section sheet no. 1
North facing section of possible post hole [4178]. 1:10. ELM21 section sheet no. 1
North facing section of possible post hole [4196]. 1:10. ELM21 section sheet no. 2
North facing section of possible post hole [4187]. 1:10. ELM21 section Sheet no. 1
North facing section of possible beam slot [4174]. 1:10. ELM21 section sheet no. 1
N facing section of a possible posthole [4183]. Scale 1:10. ELM21 section sheet no.1. This section was …
N facing section test pit 4
East facing test pit
East facing section 1
North facing section through robber cut. 1:10. Sheet 1.
East facing section of floor/hearth 4081 section. With Micromorph sample no. 17. 1:10
north facing section of pit. 1:10. Sheet 1.
West facing section of post hole 4107. Scale 1:10
West facing section of robbed out wall 4083. Scale 1:10
North looking section of post hole 4123. 1:10. Sheet 1.
South facing section of robbed out wall 4078
North facing section of gully [4092], 1:10 scale
South facing section of robber cut. 1:10. Sheet 1.
North looking section of post hole 4119. 1:10. Sheet 1.
North facing of post hole [4117]. Sheet 1. 1:10.
North facing section of pit 4103 and post hole 4115. 1:10.
North Facing section of pit. 1:10
West facing section of pit
East fac section of 10005 ditch trench 10
South east facing section [9013]
South west facing section [9012]
East fac section of [10014] post hole in trench 10
NW facing section of [8015]. 1:10.
W facing section section. 1:10.
SW facing section section of linear ditch [8015]
East fac section of ditch [10017]
East facing section of post hole [10016] (10015)
Possible posthole section facing NE. 1:10.
S facing section of posthole [8018]
North west facing section [10017]
North east facing section [9011]
NW facing section of Post hole F801
NW facing section of Post hole F802
SW facing section of possible post hole F801. 1:10
NE facing section of [9004]
West facing section of post hole 10003
south facing section of (4045)
North facing section of trench 4
east facing section (4015)
south facing section of [4049]
South facing section of beam slot
north facing section of [5004]
South facing section of [5006] and [5008]
Post ex profile of cut 4010 s facing
E facing sec [4067]
North fac sec [4066]
West facing section of Roman ditch at southern end of Trench 4
section drawing of post hole in the middle of trench 4
Section drawing of the linear feature running n s in West of trench 4
Section drawing of Bill’s post hol NE of trench 4
Post ex section of 4036 south facing
Post ex section of 4040 south facing
Section drawing of post hole in the middle of trench 4
Post ex section of 4025
Post ex section of 4020
East facing section through ditch
West facing section through ditch
South facing section through ditch
Trench 3 east facing baulk section
Trench 2 east facing baulk section
Trench 1 north facing baulk section