Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Digging Darrow
Shrader valve stem for bike
Aluminum Spachler shaped object
Milk Bottle
Piece of glass bottle "Rove"
bottle base and body possible MA beer Bottle
bottle neck possible ink bottle
pipe bowl fragment
Decorated white ware pottery sherds
Group of assorted decorated white ware pottery sherds
Glass Gimlich Pitsfield MA Beer Bottle
metal lighter top
metal disk with hole in center
Metal Lantern Piece
Thimble shaped object
Bicycle Bell
Plastic Horse
metal loop
copper cylinder
sterling silver container
Glass Cylinder
Glass Coca-Cola Bottle
bottle neck, bottle base and decorated glass
Piece of cloth
Bone and Shell Fragments
Tin Object
Metal Hook
ceramic sherd
Glass Marble
metal tool fragment
Pottery Sherds
Animal Bone
Wooden Button
Ceramic Sherds
slate stylus
plastic buttons
spoon, battery end, eyelets and pen cap
strap fastener
glass bottle neck
Fragment of shell-edged Pearlware
Clay pipe stem
Slot 3 - worked stone with edges, and nail in situ
Slot 3 - clay pipe end
Metal dog figurine
Pottery sherds, stoneware
Metal stirring spoon, with writing
Metal truck toy
Pot sherds and stoneware
handblown glass bottle bottom
Roof tile slate with nails in situ
Ceramic insulator for electrics
Mother of Pearl Button
Pot fragments, stoneware handle and fragments with writing
Slot 3 - Clay pipe fragment
Clay pipe fragment
Pot fragment
Small pot fragments
Redware clay pipe fragment
Slot 2 - glass vials/jars with contents
Circular Handle / wheel with spokes
Small circular saw blade
Slot 2 - Painted glass dish fragments
Slot 2 - "BOOTH's /Fruit" ceramic plate fragments
Slot 2 - Blue ceramic plate fragments
Slot 2 - Milkglass plate fragments, Sweetheart design
Slot 2 - Glass plate fragments
Slot 2 - hand Mirror
Slot 2 -Milk glass costmetic jar marked "woodbury"
Slot 2 -Glass nail polish bottle
Slot 2 - Blue glass jar fragments
Slot 2- Rubber Finds; ball, basketball, ring, and fragments.
Slot 2 - Kipper Herring tins, marked "Norway"
Slot 2 - Child's inflatable toy hat, Leon the Lion
Slot 2 - Assorted plastic, combs, buttons, childrens toys
Slot 2 - Assorted Metal tubes
Slot 2 - Container with lid marked "COOKIES"
Slot 2 - Metal child's toy, car with gears inside
Metal child's toy, train/bus car
Slot 2 - ceramic, porcelain bowl
Clay tobacco pipe fragment.
Slot 1 - clay tobacco pipe
Pot sherd with makers mark
Bone toothbrush head
Bone, tusk and jaw fragment
Metal from Berkshire Drive in Theater
Small Jar, marked "MOT"
Small vial with contents
Colegate Dental Cream Tube
Metal Keyhole plate
Dundee Marmalade Jar Fragment
Shaped Slate Heart
Glass bottle neck
Glass Bottle Pompeian Massage Cream
Glass Bottle base
Blue and white ceramic fragments
American nickel 1940
Wtritig implement, made out of slate
Assorted Pottery Sherds
Silver Cabinet/ Draw Knob
Jim Bean Bottle
Planters Peanuts Jar (1950's)
Coca-Cola Can
Glass bottle - magnesia
Locking Mechanism
Assorted Bottles
Leather Glove
Mineral - potential use in wash house as abrasive/detergent
Pottery Sherd - American Redware
Eye Glass (broken)
Carborundum (Tool and Nail Sharpener)
Large Hinge
Burnt Wood/ Charcoal
Shaker Door Handle
Chain Lock (Still Locked)
Door Hinges
Fireplace Decoratuion (Potential Mantle Piece)
Eye Glass
Large Bottle Neck and Finish (Carboy Nipple)
Medicine Bottle with Stopper (LB enscribed on bottom)
Butchered Animal Bone
Pink Paint Jar
Rubber Horse Shoe
Slate with childs drawing
Toy Trumpet
Two Toy Tractors
Bike Reflector
Doll Shoe
Toy Air Plane (1940's-50's)