Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Digging Darrow
Metal finds
Assorted metal finds
Pot Sherds
Plastic material
Glass sherds
Slot 1 - Brick Fragments
Slot 1 - Representative sample of metal finds, hinge and nails
Slot 1- Animal Bone
Slot 2 -Representative sample of small , complete jars, glass finds
Slot 2 -Representative sample of handcut nails
Slot 2 - Representative sample of wire, metal finds
Slot 2 - Representative sample of glass fragments, bottle pieces, window pieces.
Slot 2 - plastic belts, straps
Slot 2 - plastic material, scraps
Post-excavation photo of Slot 2, looking south, 1m scales
Post-excavation photo of site, looking north, 1m scales
South facing elevation of wall continuing north beyong edge of excavation, looking north, 1m scale
Post-excavation photo of fallen stone entrance on eastern side of building, looking west, 1m scale
Post-excavation photo of wall on southern edge of excavation, looking east, 1m scales
Post-excavation photo of rectangular structure built into wall on southern edge of excavation, looking …
Post-excavation photo of lean-to building foundation on southern side of cellar, looking north, 1m scales …
Post-excavation photo of lean-to building foundation on southern side of cellar, looking east, 1m scales …
South facing section of bank against western wall of building, 1m scales
West facing elevation of supporting wall, 1m scales
Post-excavation photo of possible 'threshold' or base of window in western wall of cellar, looking west, …
Post-excavation photo of possible blocked entrance at northern end of Slot 3, looking west, 1m scales …
Post-excavation photo of layers at northern end of Slot 3, looking north, 1m scales
Post-excavation photo of Slots 1 and 2, looking south, 1m scales
F202, looking northwest
F1401, looking south
F1201, looking east
F1201, looking south
F202, looking east
F202, looking southwest
F1101, looking northeast
F1102, looking east
F902, looking east
F902, looking northeast
F902, looking south
F902, looking north
F204, looking northeast
F204, looking southwest
F901, looking northwest
F901, looking southeast
F304, looking west
F501, looking west
F1901, looking west
F2401, looking east
F2801, looking west
F2901, looking north
F2901, looking west
F3003, looking north
F3001, looking north
F3002, looking northwest
F3101, looking east
F3101, looking north
F3102, looking east
F3102, looking north
F2501, looking east
F2501, looking north
F2502, looking east
F2503, looking south
F701, looking west
F702, looking northeast
F303, looking east
F205, E facing. F101 can be seen behind to the right and F203 can be seen behind on the left.
F205, looking northwest
F205, looking southwest
F203, NW facing
Area of in-situ burning, Slot 3, 0.5m and 1m scales
F203, east facing
F203, south facing
Pharmacy building 19’x45’ ft Stone bottom, white, brick chimney, 2 fl with cellar, stone walkway, …
Medicine shop 22’x42’ 8ft stone bottom, wood siding, 3 stories 50 windows,4 doors Photo- South-0130,0131 West-0132 S.west-0133 North-0134,0135 …
Centre family wash house 31’x17’ ft Stone, over growth, underbrush, various plants. Photo- West-0126,0127 East-0128 …
Red wood, wood storage on south side. 6 windows , 2 doors Photos- South-0122 West-0123 North-0124
Dam stones(slate) 3-4 ft wide Ditch that diverts into pond
F101, north-west facing
F101, west facing
F101, east facing
Memorial plaque
F101, south facing
Other pics available- South-0107,0108 East-0110,0111 West-0112 N. West-0113,0114,0115
Pre-excavation photo of 3009 Picture taken facing North 1 meter scale
Slot 2-Assorted Osteo finds.
Slot - Ceramic bowl fragments
Slot 1 - Building Material, Mortar
Slot 1 - Metal, nails
Cellar wall, Slot 1, looking southwest, 1m scales
North facing cellar wall, Slot 1, looking south, 1m scales
East facing cellar wall, Slot 1, looking west, 1m scales
Cellar floor, Slot 1, looking south, 1m scales
Cellar floor, Slot 1, looking west, 1m scales
Slot 1-Assorted pottery sherds, stoneware, terra cotta, and transferware.
Slot 1 -Representative sample of metal finds, bed spring coils, metal pipe
Slot 1 - building material
Slot 1 - plastic felt tip pen
Assorted glass and bottle
Plastic finds
Pottery sherds
Slot 2 - Representative sample of beer can lids
Slot 2 - Leather shoe soles and fragments
Slot 1 - Stoneware sewer pipe and pottery sherds
Slot 1 - metal coils and screw
Slot 2 - Assorted glass bottles, Petri wine and gin bottles
Slot 2 - Assorted amber and clear glass bottles
Slot 2 - Representitive sample of beer can lids
Slot 2 - Representitive sample of brick and building material and worked stone
Slot 2 - Representitive sample of brick and building material
Assorted metal finds, pulley, washer, hand cut nails
Assorted building material
General Vegetation layer - assorted glass
General Vegetation layer - assorted pottery and ceramic fragments
General Vegetation layer - leather strap
General Vegetation metal, axe head, cut nail, faucet
Full extent of (3003) in southeast corner of Grid 3 excavation, Slot 1, looking southeast, 1m and 0.5m …
Full extent of (3003) in southeast corner of Grid 3 excavation, Slot 1, looking southeast, 2m scale
Pre-ex photo of Grid 3 excavation, looking southeast
Pre-ex photo, looking north
Pre-ex photo, looking west
Pre-ex photo, looking east
Pre-ex photo, looking south
Assorted finds
Assorted Metalwork
E Facing Post Ex photo of Slot 1
Working shot - Facing S
Assorted Finds
Assorted Finds (Metal work)
Assorted Finds (glassware)
Assorted Finds (pottery - white ware/stoneware)
Assorted Finds (plastic/bone)
N facing wall
working surface - machine base
levelling deposit
DV Team Photo
Slot 1 & 2, Mid Ex, Facing W
Bulk clearance debris in slot 2, facing S
Bulk clearance debris in slot 2, facing E
Bulk clearnace debris in slot 2, facing E
Layer adjacent to hearth, facing E
Slot 3 - assorted finds, mid excavation
Slot 3 - mid excavation shot facing E
Localised burning in slot 2, facing N
Mid-ex of red brick post pad, facing E
Pre-ex, Slot 1 & 2 - facing S
Pre-ex of post pad, facing W
Working shot - facing W
Working shot - removing topsoil layer and initial trench clean
site pre ex
chimney mid-ex
Terrain in Grid 27.
Terrain in Grid 28.
Looking at F2401.
Ann Lee lane.
Looking at F2402.
Tree line around tennis courts in Grid 29.
Tennis courts in Grid 29.
N end of Grid 21 looking at tennis courts.
Looking at F902.
Stone walk behind F901.
Assorted Finds (Ceramic - Toilet)
Taken in Grid 29, looking E.
Taken in NE of Grid 29, looking W.
Taken at N of Grid 29, lookig N.
Terrain Grid 27.
Terrain Grid 15.
Looking at F1501
Taken from N of Grid 15 looking down dirt path.
Grid 28 terrain.
Looking at F2801
Start of stone wall running N-S F2801
F401, S looking photo of stone wall south of Ann Lee lane.
Looking at F2901
Taken from N of F1801.
Terrain of Grid 17.
Looking at F1803.
Cherry Lane next to F1801.
Taken from NW corner of Grid 19 looking S. End of grass pasture and start of trees\bushes N of Ann Lee …
Looking N at F1801.
Looking at F501.
Photo of F1802.
Cherry Lane.
Looking at F1901, the wall running N of Ann Lee lane.
Looking at corner of modern fence in Grid 24.
At N end of F1103 looking S.
Looking at Columbia Pike highway.
Looking at F1102.
Looking E at Columbia Pike highway.
Taken from NW corner of Grid 11. Looking at dense woodland.
Dirt path in Grid 16.
Looking at F1101.
Grid 7. Looking at F702, a stone foundation, now under long grass.
Taken from dirt path in Grid 14 looking at building F1801.
Taken from N of Grid 7.
Grid 7. Looking at F704. A stone wall placed around a tree,
Grid 7. Looking at old farm equipmet placed near a dilapidated wooden shack next to F701.
Looking at F701, a stone foundation, next to a wooden shack. Little can be seen in the photo as this …
Taken from end of dirt path in Grid 10.
Looking at F903.
Taken from the NE corner of Grid 20 looking NE. Looking at a mown grass path through the longer grass …
Photo of Cherry lane. Taken from SE corner of Grid 14.
Grid 7, taken from SE corner. Looking NW towards tennis courts in Grid 21. See the longer grass that …
Looking at F1401.
F601, the wall N of Ann Lee lane can be seen between the thick bush and tree cover. Looking roughly …
Taken looking E from NE corner of Grid 6. Red maple suglar storage shed (F204) can be seen.
Taken from S end of Grid 23 looking N up football ground (grass field).
Grid 6. Grass pasture. Looking W from N of grid.
Taken from NE corner of Grid 25 looking roughly NE over Grids 22 and 23.
Two granite fence posts E of Darrow road in Grid 9. They are either side of a stone path.
Grid 6. Grass pasture. Looking N at rows of modern electric fences.
S end of Grid 6 looking S. Looing at a wire fence marking the end of the grass pasture and the start …
Bench in Grid 22.
F501. Wall running N of Ann Lee lane.
Terrain of Grid 22.
F804, looking roughly NW. The 5 granite fence posts (4 in the photo) run parallel to Darrow road.
Looking S. Taken just N of Grid 27 looking over Grids 27 and 26.
Terrain of Grid 12. Taken in SE corner of the grid.
Photo of F1203/F1301. Wooden stock fence.
Photo of F1202, from the SE end of the fence.
SE facing photo of F1202, from the NW end of the fence.
E facing photo of F1201.
slot 3 mid ex w facing
slot 2 mid ex s facing
mid ex e facing
Ash Layer
Sketch photo assorted metal work slot 3
Slot 3 working shot
mid ex s facing
mid ex working shot
site pre-ex