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Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Oldbury Camp


PlanShort DescriptionContextDrawn ByDrawn OnOptions
OBC_4Pre-ex. plan of Trench 15Steve Richardson21-6-2017view
OBC_5Pre-ex. plan of Trench 16Jeff Sargent21-6-2017view
OBC_6Pre-ex. plan of Trench 17Mary Knight22-6-2017view
OBC_7Mid-ex. plan of Trench 15Barney Harris29-6-2017view
OBC_8Post-ex. plan of Trench 16Ken Carruthers2-7-2017view
OBC_9Post-ex. plan of Trench 15Barry Gilbert2-7-2017view
Total Pages:  1Total Results: 6
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