Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Oldbury Camp
Post medieval stone ware fragment
Post medieval pottery sherd
Medieval to post medieval ceramic bowl fragment
Green-glazed redware chamber pot, rim fragment
Post medieval ceramic cup fragment
Post medieval Bristol yellow-slipware plate
Post medieval Bristol slipware cup
Post medieval Bristol slipware crimped dish fragment
Medieval open jar fragment
Green-glazed redware jug, 17th to 19thC
Medieval to post medieval pottery sherd
Medieval to post-medieval pottery sherd
Fragment of medieval jug
Pottery, one body sherd Fabric Type 003: possible medieval or later jar
Medieval pottery, one body sherd
Two medieval pottery fragments, body sherd
Prehistoric pottery, two rim sherds conjoining
Copper alloy object, probably buckle fragment
Medieval pottery sherd, very small
Medieval pottery sherd
2 redcliffe ware pottery sherds
Medieval pottery, 1 x fragment
1 pottery fragment
Medieval pottery, 4 fragments,
Burnt flint debitage
4 abraded pottery fragments
Saxo-Norman pottery, 1 body sherd
Abraded pottery fragment
Medieval pottery, rim sherd
One fragment Roman pottery (left) and one fragment medieval pottery (right)
Medieval pottery , 2 x body sherds, inc 1 decorated
Possible Iron Age pottery, 2 x conjoining rim sherds
Copper alloy fragment
3 pieces of medieval pottery
Flint debitage
Copper alloy button
Medival rim sherd with decoration
Medieval pot sherd
Medieval pottery
12th to 13thC jar, possible tri-part pitcher
Iron Age Pottery wall fragment, Oolitic Limestone Ware
Retouched flint tool fragment
Iron Age pottery body sherd, 2 conjoining fragments
4 pottery shards
Medieval pottery, 1 body sherd
Medieval pottery, 1 x base/wall angle
Copper alloy token