Basic Information
- Stone lined and capped channel in TR2W
Context: LDF_2428
- Fill of the stone lined and capped drainage channel
- Ben Swain
- 29-9-2022
Context: LDF_2429
- Orangey clay layer lining the outside of the stone lined drainage channel 2433 within a probable construction cut [2459].
- Ben Swain
- 30-9-2022
Context: LDF_2433
- Stone lined and capped drainage channel near large slab, Northern end of TR2W
- Ben Swain
- 30-9-2022
Context: LDF_2459
- Cut for stone lined channel 2433
- Ben Swain
- 14-10-2022
- This stone lined and capped channel likely represents a drain channeling water. It is not known at this stage where the water is being drained away from and where it is being drained to, but it is possible that it may have something to do with water management associated with nearby occupation/production processes. A very large slab is visible adjacent to the channel (the channel appears to skirt around it) that could represent some form of work surface for a production process that requires dry conditions - such as metalworking. The channel itself appears to truncate wall F723 (although it is possible the channel may be broadly contemporary and incorporated into wall F723, this is thought unlikely) and is truncated by grave F719. The silting fill within the channel was sampled and contained a noticeable quantity of shell, suggesting marine seafood was being prepared/consumed nearby. The channel was also constructed upon an intentionally laid deposit of thick clean clay, presumably to keep the drain watertight.
- Ben Swain
- 24-10-2022
Dating Narrative
- No Interpretations