Basic Information
- E-W aligned burial containing individual SK2453 visible truncating stone lined channel F724
Context: LDF_2453
- Partially exposed skeleton visible in grave truncating stone lined channel 2433
- Ben Swain
- 11-10-2022
Context: LDF_2454
- Cut of grave containing SK2453 visible truncating stone lined channel 2433
- Ben Swain
- 11-10-2022
Context: LDF_2455
- Fill of grave [2454] containing SK2453 visible truncating stone lined channel 2433
- Ben Swain
- 11-10-2022
- Partially exposed E-W aligned burial of an individual SK2453 with the head to the west in the Christian tradition. Only the skull and upper right arm were exposed as of the 2022 season and remain in-situ. The skull was observed tilted to the right and the location of the upper arm suggests the individual is most likely lying in a supine extended position. This grave is visible truncating stone lined channel F724 and if excavated could potentially provide a date before which the channel must have been constructed.
- Ben Swain
- 19-10-2022
Dating Narrative
- No Interpretations